Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Gosh, I Had A Title Planned For This, but I Can't Remember Now.

Hey world! It's Wednesday again! Why do I always say it's Wednesday? If I only blog on Wednesdays, unless it's my anniversary, then it follows that if I am posting, it is Wednesday or my anniversary. And since my anniversary is in October, and it's May now, that means it must be a Wednesday or I would be blogging. That does not, however, mean that if it is Wednesday, I will blog. Blogging is dependent on Wednesdays, with one exception, but Wednesday is independent of blogging. You must remember these things when calculating probability. But I'm not, it's just Wednesday and now I'm blogging.

Image result for fragments bookSo, about two days ago I finished the book Fragments by Dan Wells. If you'll recall, about three or four books ago I read something called Partials, and said that it wasn't fantastic, but I'll keep going. This is that prediction coming to pass. Yes, this book is the second in the Partials Sequence, in case I wasn't clear. This series - excuse me, sequence has a total of three books and a novella, that I think might be in print and everything! 

Summaryish: After (and here's a REALLY BIG spoiler for book one, read at your own risk) Kira discovers she's a Partial and how to cure RM, she sets out on a weeks long journey to track down the secrets of ParaGen to hopefully fix both the plague and the Partial expiration date. But she has to cross a barren wasteland first. Meanwhile, back in East Meadow (I think that's what it's called) Marcus is trying to figure out something of his own - while Partials invade, of course.

Review: Much better. To recap the Partials review: The first book had about 200 pages of boring nothingness and slowly building suspense, but the other half was fine, great even. This book was much better - the pace was faster from start to finish, and the secrets and theories and everything kept me interested. And, yes, I'll admit it, now I'm possibly even grateful for the dreadful backstory with which this sequence began, because this book had a detailed foundation to grow on. And grow it did! It's probably half a skyscraper by now! I enjoyed this read from start to finish, which is more than I can say for the first book. So maybe, hopefully, it will get even better. 

About the Title:

Okay, this is about all the titles really. But I just had to point it out because it's cool: Fragments is a word closely related to Partials. Part of something broken is a fragment. And a fragment is close to ruins (book three), because something fragmented is often ruined. But ruins is not that close to partials. I just thought that was neat.

See you next week!


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