Sunday, October 13, 2013

Anonymous -- This One's For You.

Hey world! Me again! With two books to review! But I might not actually review two books, I might save the second book for tomorrow when I'm faced with doing something boring versus bringing a little color to the internet. That was a reference to how colorful my posts are, but I guess you got that. Yeah, I explain my jokes. 

So, there was this one day when I reviewed a book called The 13th Tribe by Robert Liparulo, and I got my first ever request. This is the fulfillment of that request. A long time ago, I wrote a vow and took it, and in that vow was "I will read all request, unless I Google them and they turn out to be full of swearing and general bad stuff." I Googled the book that was requested to me, and it turned out to not have any bad words in it at all, and was full of general good stuff. So I read it. That book is called The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare. I know, I wondered why she had a male name as a middle name too, but just go with it. Okay, this is getting long, Amazon link or bust!! What does or bust mean?

Summaryish: This book is all about a grouchy teenager in, like, the first century who is also a blacksmith with a grudge against the Romans. When his grandma dies, it is up to him to take care of his terminally fearful younger sister. But, when he is finally given the chance to fight back against the Romans, he must decide between doing what he has longed to do for basically his whole life, or following the strange teaching of a new teacher in the next town over - love your enemies. 

Review: Historical fiction is normally, like, forth on my list of genres, and I doubt I would have picked up this aged looking book without the helpful hint of my new friend Anonymous. But I am so glad that Anonymous recommended it! Thank you Anonymous! This book was fabulous! It wasn't action in the A-mountain-just-fell-down-in-front-of-us,-and-right-in-the-middle-of-our-high-speed-car-chase-too!-What-a-bummer! but in the, Oh-my-snap-what-is-he-going-to-do-the-suspense-is-driving-me-crazy! kind of way. I liked the way it seemed kind of smooth, like you could read the whole thing without taking a breath.

Words to the Characters:

Daniel: I think you should turn that scowl upside down!!! I don't like scowly people. Especially when they're the protagonists. 

Thacia:  I so knew it! From the very second I met you, I totally knew it!

Okay, that's all. I've decided to wait until tomorrow for the next one. Bye!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reviewing my book, Anonymous Book Reviewer!
