Friday, October 18, 2013

No, Thanks, I Just Ate.

Hello world!! Guess who! Me, that's who! Bet you didn't see that coming! <- I wrote that four days ago, which means I've been terribly bad, and you must hate the very chair I sit on. But, I've been bad for a good reason, I've been reading a very tough book, writing a very nice little story, and playing with mathematical toys. But back to reading, in a writing abotu reading sort of way.

So, four or five days ago, it's all a blur now so I can't really remember, I read this book called Feed by someone who's name I have to look up, because I can't remember that either. M.T Anderson, that's it. Apparently M.T. Stands for Matthew Tobin, which makes me think of the name Tobias, and now I have to go check the library website to see if Alliegant is in yet. No, no it's not. Continuing on with my review, you will discover that Feed is not part of a series, but does have an Amazon link

Summaryish: This book is all about a future where computers are in people's heads, and they're called feeds, by the way. But anyways, this guy named Titus meets this girl named Violet on the moon, and they start dating. But Violet is different from other girls, she fights the feed so no one can put her into a class or group, she wants to be un-classifiable. So she teaches Titus a lot about being different.

Review: This book was pretty okay, they're were a lot of bad words, and I didn't like that. I was also hoping that it would be an adventure, but it turned out to be a kind of romance, which wasn't very fun. But I did really like the style, the way it was written just like thoughts. It was flowing and easy and a little hypnotic, disturbed only by the bad words. And it wasn't like it was entirely a romance, there was a lot of interesting stuff going on too. So all-in-all it was a pretty great book. It was also great how it made you question things like "Where is technology going?" "Is it really a good thing that we're upgrading so fast?" "What would happen if computers really did replace memories?" Recap: I didn't like the bad words, and I didn't like the romance, but there was a lot of great stuff and though provoking underlying questions that I really enjoyed.

Words to the Characters:

Titus: I thought it was really nice how you went back.

Violet: If you knew what was going to happen, would you have still done it?

Okay, I'm finished. Finally! It took me five days to write this! This will also be my last post for a really long while, I'm reading a toughy. But I only have 1,111 pages left! Hey, that's four ones. Moving right along! 

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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