Friday, August 15, 2014

One Step Closer to Advanced Reader.

Hey world! I have decided that if I start today, I'll have just enough books to review every other day to get me through the big one I'm starting later. So that's what I'm doing! I'm also drinking tea, because, you know, it's tea time, and I'm so sophisticated. Or I like to think I am. Hey, I read and drink tea, maybe I am sophisticated. But I also eat Nutella out of the jar with my finger. And now that you know more about me than you ever wanted to know, let's get started with the reason you're actually here, the book!

So, we're not going to talk about how long ago it was that I read The Return of the King by J.R.R Tolkien, but I will mention that it is book three in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I started this series BB, but I I middled in here, and now I'm finishing here too. Ahh, nostalgia. This is probably the coolest audible I've ever sampled, but it's, kind of distracting. It's read with several different people...and sound effects! It sounds almost like a production rather than an audible. Neat. I'm starting to wonder if  this is the right Amazon link! Oh my gosh, there's even music! This is so weird. But cool. Where's the narration, though? Oh, there it is.

Summaryish: There's really not much I can say about this without giving away the other two books, and I'm against I'm just going to say that there are orcs, rings, hobbits, a little bit of Ents, and some Gandalf. Yeah. Bad summary, but that's why the ish is there.

Review: Okay, I will admit that I didn't really pay much attention the whole first half of the book. Does that make me a terrible person? No. Does that make this a terrible book? Absolutely not. I was simply worried about Sam and Frodo and I was like, "Blah blah blah, Pippin, blah blah blah, wait did Merry just die? Blah blah blah, FRODO!" But, even though some of the time I wasn't paying attention, I still enjoyed the whole experience of reading it - the entire book. Plus, it's like classic fantasy. Nowadays, genres cross and mingle, which is actually quite enjoyable, but sometimes it's just nice to have straightforward fantasy, almost like a relief. Plus, I really wasn't an accomplished reader before I read these stories. I'm still not, but I can dream.

My Favorite Sam Quotes:

"Is everything sad going to come untrue?" Rock it Sam, that was just an awesome sentence. I think Jason Gray wrote a song about it.

"If I hear not allowed much oftener, I'm going to get mad." Oh, hobbit grammar and Sam-humor.

Okay, see you Sunday. Unless I die, or you die. That was a sad thought.

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer. 

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