Friday, April 18, 2014

It's More Like 4:30 Now.

Hey world! So far, I am keeping my promise of a blog blitz! But then again, it's only day two of, what? Five? I think so far it's five, because I finished a book last night, and then three days from now is plenty of time to finish the book I've just started, so maybe it will even be six. Or is that seven? Mental counting....Yeah, it's six now. But maybe it will be seven - which is a whole week! Wouldn't that be fun!? Let's try that! Okay, blogging now!

So, I've already returned this book called 3:59 by Gretchen McNeil, but that doesn't mean I don't remember it. I'm not sure if it's a series or not, but I'm leaning more towards not due to lack of marketing of that little fact. Or maybe it's because on her website it says stuff about debuting her first series sometime this year...sooo...yeah. I've got this lovely Amazon link here for you! Also, the audible is surprisingly good. I'm picky about my audibles...okay, I don't listen to audibles, just the samples on Amazon, but I am particular about those. Maybe I should be an audible recorder-person. Could be fun. 

Summaryish: Josie's life totally flips upside down when after inexplicable events, she becomes connected to her doppleganger, Jo, in a parallel universe. Every 12 hours at, you guessed it, 3:59 for a single minute, she can see the life she's always wanted on the other side of a mirror. So when she finds out that Jo also wants to switch lives, they plan that for 24 hours, they will masquerade as each other. But when Josie is ready to leave...Jo refuses to come back. Don don dooooooon!

Review: I've heard a lot about Ms. McNeil being a "master of suspense" but what some people see as suspense building snippets of flawless foreshadowing, I see more as annoying exposition. Which lasted half the book. Not fun. So, for the first half of the book, I was bored and disinterested and mentally coaching the story to pick up a bit and get on with it. Which it finally did. Half way through the book. And by halfway, people have usually formed their opinions, so that's why this book isn't getting a, shall we say, glowing review. The final half of the book was fast, intense, and things finally got good...But the damage had already been done by then. So while I enjoyed the last half of the book, the first half forever burned boredom into my brain, and scars like that don't just go away with time and Mederma. If you're willing to suffer through the first half, the last half will be rewarding. Kind of like surviving a war to get one of those nifty medals.

Words to the Characters:

Josie: Seriously? You didn't totally see that coming?

Nick: Did you know that Nick is a very common name? I can't even count how many books I've read with Nicks as main characters - and you're in here twice!

Okay, Friday - check. We'll see if I come back tomorrow for that 900-pager you've been hearing so much about!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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