Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Oh My Gosh, Google Was Unreachable For A Second There. I Think The Whole World Just Mildly Collapsed.

Hey world! This is the last post I have for you today, but I'll be back next week with some more reviews! Listen to me, I'm talking like it's already time to say goodbye, but it isn't, I still have this whole post ahead of me. 

So, I went to the library on Thursday, and in the new books section I saw something that looked really interesting. But it was a sequel. So I went to the non-new shelf to find the first book, and decided that it didn't look like something I would enjoy. So I put it back. But then, at the end of my visit after browsing the entire fiction section, I realized I didn't have enough books, so I went back to that one with the nice looking sequel. That was a long winded way of telling you that I read Crusher by Niall Leonard, which is two first names, but one is a last name. Pretty cool if you ask me. As I already said, this book has a sequel. But I didn't mention that it also has a third book. Turns out it's a series - I'm not sure if it's finished yet. 

Summaryish: When Finn Maguire comes home from his not-so-awesome job one day...he finds his father murdered, and all the notes for the gangster  screenplay he was writing missing. As the prime suspect in the murder, he decides to find out the truth about what really happened to his dad, and gets caught up in a dangerous, lying ,cheating, murderous world of organized crime as he tries to sort out the truth from the red herrings. 

Review: The first thing I want to say is that all the British lingo was really fun for me. And now that that's out of the way, I can say that I was pleasantly surprised with this book. There were so many things I didn't see coming as the mystery continued through the action filled plot-driven story! It certainly was a can't-catch-your-breath kind of book, and my one disappointment was the lack of dynamic characters. The people were certainly round enough, but definitely very static, which I don't enjoy. I like to see people change over the course of a story - hopefully they will in the sequels, which I'm planning to read. Yup - it was good enough to keep going, and I'm curious about how all of those nice finished story lines will get stirred up again.

About the Title:

Looking at the new cover on Mr. Leonard's website, which was not the one I got, I'm suddenly starting to wonder if I imagined the whole "Crusher is his boxing nickname" thing, and if it all had to do with that Jag...If it is about the car, I like the title a whole lot more, and in fact changes my whole perspective on the novel, and now I respect it a lot more. 

Okay, that's a rap. Hm. I wonder if I spelled that correctly for this context.

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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