Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I Had Them Too. Not Disappointed in the Least.

Hey world! Goodness, what a failed bring a friend day last week was! No comments, no friends, no nothing! Yeeshers. I thought you guys were my fans...Anyways. Wednesday has rolled around again, and oddly enough, I only have one book to review, and it's the same book I hadn't finished last week! 

Image result for great expectations critical edition charles dickensSo, six minutes into yesterday I finished this book called Great Expectations by none other than Charles Dickens. I realized it had been quite a while since I read a "classic" and I was in a Dickensian mood, and this book was on my To Read list, and my book bag was kind of light...all those variables coming together couldn't be ignored, so I read this standalone novel. It took a while, over a week, but I'll get to that later.

Summaryish: When a young poorish orphan boy named Pip living with his sister and her husband meets a heartbroken woman named Miss Havisham, who has lived most of her life in a state utter hopelessness and grief, his whole life is changed. This meeting combined with meeting her adopted daughter, Estella, and a chance encounter with an escaped convict turn his life upside down! On top of all that, he comes into property, or great expectations, and moves from his home to the big city of London where things...don't go well. Terrible terrible summaryish...

Review: Whoa, snap. This book was good. Because it was written in the 1800s, I expected to be tuning out quite a bit, but I ended up glued to the pages! The story was intriguing from the very beginning and the way everything ended up tying into every thing else until every detail was a neat tapestry was amazing! I literally gasped out loud multiple times! The weird thing was, my copy had two endings; the real ending, and something called "Original Ending." I must say, I liked the original ending better, and I was glad that I could kind of choose between the two, so if at all possible, try to get one with both. Maybe they all have it - I'm not sure. I am sure, however, that you can't go wrong reading this book. Well, maybe you can, since I know someone who hated it...I loved it! Oh, that ending! I'll never forget it!

Words to the Characters:

Pip: I liked you, then I hated you, then I liked you again. I'd say that's the sign of a good character!

Biddy: That...shocked me.

Okay, see you next week! 

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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