Thursday, April 2, 2015

I Wish Someone Had Said, "Make it So."

Hey world! It's me! Happy Wednesday! At least I hope it's Wednesday. If it isn't, I'm going to be really upset. And possibly fired. I have two books to review today, and I'm really excited about both of them! And since my excitement is building, I see no reason to continue my introduction, except maybe that I had short introductions last week. So hi, how are you? Read any good books lately? Any that I recommended? Any that you recommend to me?

Image result for mila 2.0 renegadeSo, probably around Friday, I finished this book called Mila 2.0: Renegade by Debra Driza. It is the second book in the Mila 2.0...trilogy? I'm pretty sure it's going to be a trilogy, but the third book isn't out yet. In fact, I found this second book in the "New Books" section of my library. Also, according to Ms. Driza's website, the books are currently being adapted to become a TV show! Way to go, Deb! 

Summaryish: After escaping from General Holland, teen-android Mila goes on a wild road trip with a boy she has a crush on named Hunter. Constantly lying to Hunter, she tries to hunt down her "father" and figure out where she came from, all while avoiding Holland and the evil Vita Obscura. This is not as easy as it sounds, she has no idea where her answers lie, and she is suspicious of everyone, as well she should be. Bad bad summaryish. And I thought I was getting better. 

Review: Okay, so I remember really loving the first one, and I was super excited about this second book, but I feel just the slightest bit disappointed. The pace was a little slower, but the story was still excellent. I just felt overwhelmed with repetitive emotion.Thinking the same thoughts, struggling over the same things. It gets tired after a while, like, "MAKE A DECISION ALREADY!" And maybe that's just a character flaw that I'm supposed to connect with and sympathize...but I was just kind of annoyed. When it wasn't all sappy, though, my heart was racing! Twists, turns, and danger of falling rocks. It was a great read with a cliffhanger ending and I'm excited about the next book! 

Words to the Characters:

Mila: See? Maybe being human isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Hunter: You also annoyed're far too understanding and sympathetic. I know you secretly wanted to yell at her.

See you next post!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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