Tuesday, January 22, 2013

All These Plot-Twists Are Making Me Dizzy

Hello readers! Nice to see you! I hope you are doing well! Can you believe January is almost over? I can't! I still think it's November! But, hey, time is relevant, not constant. Or is that motion? I like to think time is relevant, so I'm going to continue thinking that. Anyways, let's get down to business and start talking about the book!

So, I just finished reading this book called The Scorch Trials by...wait for it...James Dashner!! It is the second in a trilogy. The first book was called The Maze Runner and the third is The Death Cure Oh! And I just found out there is a prequel called The Kill Order. Hmm...Maybe it's more than a trilogy after all! That would make me immensely happy! I wish there were a never ending series...but wait, if it never ended wouldn't I die before it's finished? I take it back, I wish there were a series that would extend throughout my entire life. 

Summaryish: Okay, I'm not even going to attempt to summarize this...Yes I am, I can't bear to neglect my duties as a book review blogger. So here I go...In the first book Thomas wakes up in a really weird farm like place surrounded by stone walls and inhabited by 40-50 other boys who suffer from mass memory loss. He doesn't remember a single thing, either, except his name.  Thomas soon finds out that on the other side of the stone walls is a maze...and deadly creatures. The very next day, something even weirder occurs: A girl shows up in the Box. And she triggers the end. Some stuff happens...and zoom ahead, now we're in the second book. By now, the Gladers know they are part of an experiment, and an even harder challenge than the maze awaits them. They have to cross the hottest and deadliest part of the Earth after sun flares have ruined the whole ecosystem, in only two weeks. Oh, and they also have a deadly disease that could make them go insane in a matter of months. Yeah, I am definitely getting better at summarizing. Maybe soon I'll be able to change it from a "Summaryish" just to a "Summary." Yay! 

Review: Now we're to the fun part!! There are a few things I'd like to say: One; wow!!! Two; It was definitely worth being several days over-due at the library. And, three; wow!!!! There were so many things I didn't see coming! I didn't want to put it down for a single moment, and even contemplated taking it to the dinner table with me. But there are unwritten rules like no books at the table during dinner. But, in a way, I actually did take it to the table with me because I couldn't stop thinking about it the whole time I was mechanically shoveling food into my mouth. It was very well thought out and nicely written, although sentence fluency could be improved. 

Words to the Characters:

Teresa: I always believed in you!! Actually, I'm lying, I did doubt you for a little while there.

Thomas: I feel bad that you and Teresa will never be the same again, maybe, just maybe, you could get close to the way things were.

Minho: How do you pronounce your name? It's been driving me crazy! Is the H silent? Is the I short or long? 

Brenda: Curious, and curiourser. 

Oky doky, no more words from me today not including these ones! Tootaloo fellow readers. Comment your favourite book for me, pretty please? My book list grows short yet again. 

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer. 

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