Saturday, January 12, 2013

Wow, Did He Just Mix Aliens With Time Travel? Oh Yeah!!!

Hey everybody! Wow! It's been a while! So I was just thinking about how awesome Beethoven is! All of his works have a melancholy air about them, that make your heart feel as if it is made of lead. But they also have a certain lilt in them, a flowing kind of under rhythm that makes you feel like you are walking on air! What paradoxical music! How can you feel as if your lead heart is anchoring you at the same time as you are frolicking through the clouds? Crazy! Anyways, book. 

So I just finished this book called The Map of the Sky by Félix J. Palma! My more avid fans will know that I have reviewed the book Félix wrote before this one! The Map of Time, THIS is where I reviewed it. Oh, and I have discovered that, although it could stand alone, The Map of the Sky is best read after The Map of Time. They're not exactly brother and sister, they're more like first cousins, but still, TMT before TMS, although alphabetically, this is incorrect. Oh! Here, let me get you the Amazon link...there you go. I hope the next one is like, The Map of the Universe or something. I'm tingling with excitement!

Summaryish: Okay, time to summarize. I'll do my best, but this book starts out with something that could spoil the book for you! Let's just say that when the young Emma Harlow makes  a deal with one of her many suitors that if he can recreate the invasion in Mr. Wells' famous book The War of the Worlds then she will marry him. But then, something entirely unexpected happens! Real Martians invade!!! Here is a brief synopsis of the rest of the story: Gasperoni and cheese! I didn't see that coming! Oh snap, did I really just see that? HA! I knew this would come into play soon enough...Oh my gosh! AHHH! AAAHH!! AAAAAAHHHHH! HANG ON!!! YOU CAN DO IT! JUST DON'T LET GO!!! Oh. My. Snap. He's. Griffin!!! Wwwooowww, layered universe! Hahaha! HAHAHA! Oh fantastic ending, I did not expect that at all!!! Woo! Bravo, bravo!! There you have it. The whole book summarized, and I didn't give away a single plot twist. That must be a blog first right there! 

Review: Yay! Reviewing time!! I was so excited for this book! It was great to see all my old friends again, I was really missing George! And Charles Winslow, as arrogant as ever, was not a character I expected to see in this book, but there he was, writing a journal! Anyways, this is one of those rare books in literary history where the sequel exceeds the first in all standards! Not to belittle the awesome that is the first book, of course, which rocked my aloe infused socks like there was no tomorrow. That's how great this second book is!! I am eagerly awaiting the third...Hoping there is a third...Plotting my revenge if there isn't a third. 

Words to the Characters: 

Mr. Wells: So you are secretly -------, huh? I figured it out right near the end, after the whirlpool incident. By the way, huge fan!! I won't ask you to read my dabblings because I know you hate doing that!  

Emma: It's sad how you're so sad all the time, but it's great when you laugh! Try doing that more often!

GM/MG (Can't put your real name! Spoilers!): Your arrival in the story shocked me! But you were a great addition, the way you fawn over Emma as if she's a puppy in need of shelter and protection made me snicker on more than one occasion. 

GM/MG#2 (In the dashing purple suit): HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, I'm finished here, join me next time for a particularly secretive book for which I have been waiting MONTHS!!!!!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer. 

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