Friday, January 25, 2013

What's This Solitaire Cipher I've Been Hearing So Much About...?

Hello world! How has your reading been going? I hope you've been reading some of the things I reviewed! That would make me immensely happy because it would prove that my blog really is benefiting mankind!!! Are you ready to talk about books now? I am. WAIT! We've been talking about books this whole paragraph. Let me rephrase my previous question: Are you ready to start talking about the book I just finished? 

So, I just finished this book called Genius Squad by Catherine Jinks. Don't try to hide it, I can tell you are trying to remember why that sounds familiar...It's because I've reviewed this books prequel!!! Evil Genius was reviewed right over here. The third, Genius Wars, has, obviously, not been reviewed by me, but may be in the near future as I have every intention of checking out that book just as soon as it is available in my local, but sadly under-stocked (at least in my opinion,) library. 

Summaryish: Oi veh...this is going to be hard...ummm...Okay, I'm ready now. So, Cadel Piggot (English? Darkkon?) is in foster care, then he's not, then he's part of Genius Squad, then he's not. Tada! What do you think? I'm just kidding, I'm going to summarize at least a little better than that. After dozens of plot twists and action packed suspenseful moments, the beginning seems so far away...but I'll do my best to dredge up these distant memories. So, as aforementioned, a miserable Cadel English (Darkkon? Piggott?) is now rotting in foster care with limited access to computers, and awful housemates. But do not worry for him! After getting into some mischief, he is approached by some people who offer him the chance of a lifetime, to join a secret group of people who call themselves Genius Squad. Oh snap. That's all I can tell you. Dare I risk explaining further? I like to live dangerously, but not that dangerously. I may be anonymous, but there are ways for readers who are mad at me for giving something away to track me down. Let's just move on, shall we?

Review: I have to admit, because I was sworn to honesty, that I was a little teensy weensy bit disappointed when beginning this book, as it started out a lot slower than I expected, but around the middle it started running up a steep mountain, which more than made up for the slow beginning! Guess what time I finally turned off my light last night? 12:49 AM. Guess what I was doing at lunch time? Certainly not eating that's for sure! I was finishing the book! But, being the person that I am, I must state that Cadel Darkkon (Piggott? English?) has nothing on Artemis Fowl and would surely lose a brutal, and short battle in a book off. You that I think about it...does the Eoin Colfer boycott include his website too? Or would it be acceptable to, you know, just see what he's up to without actually reading anything written by him? No. I must stay strong. 

Words to the Characters: 

Cadel: Being the "new" Cadel is a great thing, I am most certainly not fond of people breaking the law, but..I don't know...I miss the old you, he was more exciting. Not that you're not exciting or anything, the Gazo talking-to scheme thing was great. 

Sonja:'s life working out for you?

Lexi: Oh! You make me laugh! 

Prosper: Ooo, are you in for a shock...Can't wait 'til Genius Wars!  

Alrighty, there's nothing left for me to say, except that parting is such sweet sorrow. (No, I'm not reading Romeo and Juliet, I read that last summer.)Goodbye! 

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer

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