Monday, January 14, 2013

I Did Not See That Coming.

Hello my dear friends! Welcome once again to my blog!  I hope you are having a bippety boppety bootiful day and that reading my blog makes it better! Did you know that "blog" is actually short for "web log" I just learned that! Cool, huh? Anyways, last time I blogged I promised you a super secret review, and here it is!!

So, I just finished this book called Thyme Running Out by Panama Oxridge! It is the sequel to Justin Thyme and is the second in a series called Tartan of Thyme!! But here is some distressing news...Panama hasn't posted on his/her blog in over a year! Does this mean She/he has been kidnapped and can no longer write? Has he/she died? Will she/he ever come back? He/she had better, because I really want the third book now!!!!!!! 

Summaryish: Okay, deep breaths, I can do this, I can summarize this book. Oh no I can't!! Soooo many spoilers! Made extra hard because it's a sequel to an equally secretive book! Oi veh! I'll try my hardest. Where to start? Oo! I know: Justin Thyme is a 13 year old self-made billionaire genius who has made a Time Machine. Umm..That's pretty much all I can say, except that a mysterious person is trying to steal it, nobody knows who, and their are spies in his castle. Yeah, I said castle. He is part of a long line of Lairds of Thyme and he lives in a castle right on the beautiful Loch Ness. Yup, that's all I can say without giving it away. Hey! That rhymes! WAIT! I can tell you ONE more thing. He has a computer literate gorilla. Okay, that's it.

Review: I've been waiting for, like, several months for this book, and it was definitely worth the wait! Woo-hoo! Three thumbs up! I read a lot of books with mysteries in them, and I usually know whodunit before the end, but I did NOT see ANYTHING in this book coming! I mean, Nanny V? Wwoooww. Nessie? Double wow. Haggis? Awww, but wow. And Albion? What in the world??!!! And the clues hidden in the book format were genius!! I doubt I found them all! One of the clues I found wasn't even a clue. It was an anti-clue!! Being the impatient person that I am, I'm probably going to be twitching until I can get my greedy little paws on the next book! I wish I knew what it was called. 

Words to the Characters:

Justin: Can I try your Hover Boots? Pretty please with sprinkles and cherries and pudding??

Eliza: I feel so sorry for you!! But the evidence was against you, so it's understandable. 

Robyn: Good choice.

Nanny V: SAY WHAT???

Albion: I'm still in shock.

Okay, done for today. The book I'm reading now is terribly short, only 227 pages, so I might see you tomorrow! As my good friend Tee-eye-double-guh-er always says; Ta ta for now!!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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