Saturday, November 17, 2012

By Now You Can Probably Tell I Love Science Fiction, Right?

Ahoy mateys and welcome to my blog, we'RRRe going to have a fantastic post foRRRR you today!!! Sit back and RRRelax, but don't RRRelax too much, I do have a hook foRRR a hand you know. Arg. Anyways, how's life going for you? Read any good books lately? Comment them, please, because my book list is growing short. I'l review them for you if you do!! 

So...Remember my last post where I said my next post would be in 4-6 days? Well, it's been 8. That's only because I forgot to review the book yesterday. That still would have been 7, but it's better than 8. Anyways, I finished The Map of Time by Felix J. Palma just a couple days ago, and now it's time to review it! I'm petty sure the companion novel is called The Map of the Sky, but it might just be another book by the same author and not a companion at all.  Well, either way it would be a companion because I like to think all books by the same author get along, like cousins. 

 Summaryish: This is not even going to be a summary, just me rambling on about nothing whatsoever for two reasons. One: This book is indescribable! Two: If I even tell you one thing about the book, it would give away the whole thing! Which means that you are going to have to decided whether or not to read it based on my review and words to the characters alone. You're not even going to know what the book is about until you come across a more experienced blogger who doesn't mind giving away endings. 

Review: Oh. My. Snap. Read this book. Just read it. Don't ask questions. Just read it. In my opinion, it's rated PG-13, and I will admit that I skipped a few of the grosser pats, but in this book it doesn't even matter because it was just that good. It was so well thought out and intertwined, throughout the entire novel I found myself saying "Gasp! It's real this time isn't it! No. Now? Oh snap it is! No...Yes! Finally! It is real! Did it really just end that way with it never existing?" Did I just give away the ending? I hope not. And the narrator! I love it when authors talk to the readers. Lemony Snicket, Pseudonymous Bosch, and now Felix J. Palma. Love ya guys! 

Words for the characters. 

Andrew: Darling, something bad may have happened, and that something may be the worst thing that could ever happen to you, but lift that chin and dry those tears! Tomorrow is always better. Especially in the morning when nothing bad has happened yet, and you just woke up so the bad memories of yesterday haven't been remembered yet. Look at the positives! Your cousin really loves you. 

Herbert: I love your works, truly amazing. And don't worry, The Island of Doctor Moreau is great no matter what the critics say! 

Captain Shackleton (Tommy): I don't like how you took advantage of Claire, but I do like how you tried to make it better, keep up the chivalry dude! 

Yeah, I don't really want to talk to the rest of the characters, my poor little fingers are getting tired.  So...yeah, that's kind of it...Bye, I guess.

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer. 

1 comment:

  1. I just finished the book Full Disclosure by Dee Henderson. It is a super good book. It was sorta a mystery, and I really like mysteries!!! You can watch a trailer of the book here
    The book is way better than it sounds in the trailer by the way!!
