Saturday, November 24, 2012

Why? Because he's _Stronger_ than you.

Hey all!! How's it going? Well, you're checking my blog, so it's probably really boring. Anyways, can you believe Christmas is so far away? I mean, why can't time speed up from December 1-23 and then slow back down on the 24 so the tension can build, and then almost completely stop on the 25 so Christmas lasts forever? I mean, it's night outside at five o'clock these days, by definition, day's should be quicker. But here's some hopefulness in the words of good ol' Alby E...equals MC^2. "The distinction between past, present, and future is an illusion, but a very persistent one." So maybe time really will speed up. 

So I just finished this book called Stronger by Michael Carroll book three of the Super Human series, which is a companion  to the New Heroes series. I'm thinking this is the last one, but with Micheal you never know. It might be only the beginning. Random Comment: You better be writing a New Heroes book, clones excite me, dude! You don't want me to go on a rampage and dishonestly critique your books!!! I'm kidding, I try to never lie.

Summaryish: Okay, time to summarize, I think I can do it this time because this is a little bit of a stand alone in the series. This book is about the superhuman Brawn, you know, the big blue guy with no pupils and irises? Well, it talks about his history, how he came about, what he's doing now, and everything in between. It's kind of like an autobiography that's still being written!! I don't know how else to summarize it because it has a plot, but a whole bunch of different stories. You know what I mean?

Review: Woopee! The review part is my favorite! I am so ready to tear this book a part!! I'm kidding, I'm a positive reviewist. Unless I don't like the book. Then you better watch out (you better not cry, you better not pout I'm telling you why....). I really super liked this book!!! I like how it was then and now, how things weren't chronological but in a way that made sense. It really fills in a lot about this misunderstood character Brawn, and kind of pushes you from disliking Max Dalton to really disliking Max Dalton. Anyways. At times, it got really deep and brought on a new perspective about life. But most of the time it was just a whole bunch of fights and guns. But here's the great part about Michael Carroll: It's not all blood and guts with him, it's about the preservation of life. At least, that's what I got from it. Lastly, I loved how this book was so balanced. Just enough fights mixed with just enough despair, and sprinkled with a heaping teaspoon of science fiction, all baked together until golden brown. Yummy. 

Words to the characters: 

Brawn: Your story is so touching in a bang pow kind of way, that I can't decide whether to hug you or run away. Either way, thanks for being nice despite your monstrosity and situation. 

Harmony: I'm not talking to you....

Max: STAY OUT OF MY MIND!!!!!! If you get near me, I'm calling Brawn...

Michael Carroll: When is the next New Heroes book, I'm dying over here!!!!

That's all for today, tune in next time for a Scott Westerfeld!!!!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer 


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