Sunday, November 3, 2013

Look Out -- It's A Big One!

Hello world!! After reading my title, you may be asking, "A big what? A big book? A big celebration? A big change?" Well, the answer is yes to all three of them. My blog anniversary was on Tuesday, and in a small post on that  day I said I would review a book no later than Friday...that was a typo, I meant to say Sunday, but my fingers got muddled. But you'll understand why soon enough. The big change is that after one year of having my picture in the "about me" thing you probably know nothing about because I'm pretty sure I removed it from the site three penguins, it is now pages 484-5 of War in Peace in honor of...

So, I just finished this book called War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, I can't remember who translated it from Russian to English because their names are all Russian-y and hard to pronounce. But they are great translators, they had nice little notes, historical index, and more! But as I was saying; you probably forgive me now for not posting in a long time, don't you? I mean, sheesh, that book is 1215 pages!! That's twice as long as anything I've ever attempted before! So in all fairness, I deserved all that extra time between posts and therefore you cannot blame me. Okay, Amazon link.

Summary: So this book is all about the Napoleonic wars in the early 18 hundreds and how they affected some wealthy families around that time period. Specifically, Prince Andrei, obviously a prince, Pierre, an illegitimate child, and Natasha, a young girl who slightly resembles a butterfly and with whom everyone seem to be in love. And then there's like, 60 pages of contemplating history and freedom and necessity and what power is that would probably fit better in the non-fiction isle, but sadly took up three hours I could have used enjoying the delightful tale of Nikolai in the war, but...wait, that's for the next paragraph.

Review: Some parts of this book was terribly boring and I found myself more interesting in my surrounding, which are completely uninteresting and haven't change in a while, than what I was reading. But, other parts, oh là là! Other parts were so utterly fabulous that I was yelling at the characters and sweating a little bit! Then  there was this third group of parts that were just like, "Uhhh...can we get back to Andrei, please?" because it was all philosophical and, while I really enjoyed the new stuff I learned about power and cause and effect, I really wanted to get back to the soirees and battles and don't-open-the-closet-doors. Okay, there were no don't-open-the-closet-doors but there were some pretty intense moments. 

Words to the Characters:

Natasha: I like you better when you are free and single and happy!

Pierre: You realize you were, like, 30 years old when she was a baby right? Gross.

Andrei: Remember what I said to Pierre, transcribe that here.

Nikolai: I understand your choice and all...but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

Okay, glad that book is over. I am now an accomplished reader. And don't worry: You won't have to wait two weeks for the next post!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Xxxxxx,
    I was about to say your name...LOL
    I really want to read this book now...
    I love your posts, you have so much laughter and light! :)
    -Your Friend,
