Monday, December 16, 2013

No! Read ME!!

Hey world! I'm back again for another round of brainwashing you! I mean, giving you my humble opinions. This, my dearest readers, is the post you've all been waiting for. The second book ever reviewed on this blog with over a thousand pages! The one, the only...

So, I just finished this book called Reamde by Neal Stephenson. If you look closely, you may notice that that strange word looks startlingly similar to a typo of the words "Read Me" which it in fact is. But, it's actually a big joke. Not the title, the title actually is Reamde it's a joke within the book. Don't believe me? Check Amazon for yourself! 

Summaryish: Wow, summarizing 1,042 pages in a couple sentences...wish me luck...Okay, so when a video game company is infected with a computer virus that takes computer files for ransom, the ransom to be paid in gold pieces within the game itself, the gold pieces can then be laundered into real money if you're wondering why that sounds so weird. But, like in all good books, the plot doesn't stop there. The owner of the corporation soon becomes embroiled in a duel involving Russian gangsters and terrorists! That's about all I can say.

Review: Oh my goodness! This book was so amazing, I can't even tell you. If there weren't so many bad words, I would have Wow. Just Wowed this book. But, sadly, those bad words were there, and that bothered me, and therefore this book does not get the elusive and sought-after title that only four books out of one-hundred-forty-something have had the honor of attaining. But hey, win some lose some. Back to the book. I was so lost in these pages, I seriously looked up from the enthralling words once or twice wondering where I was. The job of official holiday-cookie-baker was completely ignored while I was reading this. And yet, night after night after night I was forced to wait for 17-30 minutes for bedtime to finally arrive late! I actually brought the book downstairs, sat on the heater, and read this book while awaiting the nighttime rituals. All those moments lost to something other than reading the book were moments wasted in my opinion. I didn't want it to end, and when I came into the final 50, I slowed down dramatically just so it could last a few minutes longer...Needless to say, I highly recommend this book.

Words to the Characters:

Zula: You are smart and resourceful! Placed in your situation, I would be a lot worse off. Thank you for teaching me how to survive a kidnapping. The information will probably come in handy.

Olivia: The coincidence is freaking me out a little bit.

Sokolov: What are the odds of having an ex-military murderer who is also a gentlemen? 

Okay, that's it. I'm over halfway done with the next book, so I promise you won't have to wait as long! Bye!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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