Friday, January 24, 2014

Counterfeit Blog Post? I Sure Hope Not!

Hey world! Me again, this time with two possibly three books to review today. I say "possibly" because I'm really close to finishing a third book, but who knows if I'll actually end up reviewing it or not. I remember the days when my blog was still new, I'd close a book and rush down stairs to review it right away...Now I just let things simmer a bit, keep you in suspense. But it's mostly just because I usually don't review books because I've started reading another. Well, I might as well start reviewing this one.

So, one and more than a half books ago, I finished this book called The Counterfeit Family Tree of Vee Crawford-Wong by L. Tam Holland, and I have to tell you, it sure was hard to fit that name in my reading-log which is only one of those tiny little notebook things that may or may not fit in your pocket if you bend it a little and don't sit down. But, sitting down or not, you can always fit this Amazon link in your pocket...actually maybe not. I don't know, I just needed a transition. 

Summaryish: So, like all grand adventures, this one begins with a school assignment. In this case, it's a family tree. The bad news is, Vee Crawford-Wong knows nothing about his family beyond his parents. No one talks about it, or even dares to mention the past. But Vee is curious. So, one forged letter later, and the Crawford-Wongs are off to China to find Vee's grandparents!

Review: This book didn't have any explosions, or aliens, or asteroids hurtling towards the Earth...but it was still a good read. It was hilariously funny, and written in very down-to-Earth tone that I quite enjoyed. I did pull my hair out just a tad and mentally willed something to happen, but then something did happen and I was happy. I always like to explore outside of my chosen genre, but I'm usually just a little dissatisfied when books have a noticeable lack of people with superpowers saving the world from impending doom, but I was actually pretty okay with this story. It was funny and cute and I enjoyed it!

Words to the Characters:

Vee: Remember that joke? I didn't get it. 

Madison: I don't know why you don't like Miao-Ling, I think I like it better.

Okay, that's all you're getting from me right now. Maybe later I'll come back with two more books! Bye!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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