Saturday, January 11, 2014

There Was A Bird, But No Fairies? What?

Hey world! Typing again, and my fingers are going to start complaining soon! Maybe I'll take a lunch break soon. After this post and the one after, of course. I promised myself that I would just power through! So here I am! I am sacrificing my stomach's happiness for you...and there's the small fact that I don't know what to eat...Maybe the glutton in "Lazy book glutton" isn't just for books...Oh well! 

So, not that long ago, but still pretty distant in my memory, I read this book called The Wolf of Tebron by C.S. Lakin. And, good news, Google is working again! Anyways, it's book one in The Gates of Heaven series! It's been my back-up book only for a short time, so when scheduling issues prevented me from going to the library the VERY SECOND the book I'm reviewing next came in, I had to wait a few days in agony and anticipation before I could get the next one....So now the second book in the series is my current back-up book, and my not be reviewed for a while. Who knows? Amazon link anyone? 

Summaryish: When this guy, Joran, is mean to his wife for I-can't-tell-you-why and sends her away, he must start a big huge quest to get her back after she is kidnapped by the moon. It was predicted that his journey would be long, and he would wear out three pairs of shoes before it ended, but an unexpected wolf friend names Ruyah helps guide him through to the very end, and a confrontation between him, his fears, and the Moon. 

Review: So, I might be a little biased considering what was waiting for me on my own special shelf at the library...Well, it isn't that special, it's just where all my holds magically appear. But anyways, so I might be biased and I may have rushed and stared at the ceiling wondering when it was going to end...but not because I didn't like it. It was fabulous story, but I don't like moody characters, and Joran was rally moody and complainy, and he made my teeth itch a little bit. The plot was great, the suspense was fine, the descriptions a little lengthy (but I'm not complaining), and there was a wizard, which is always great. So, for fans of fantasy, this book is perfect! I thoroughly enjoyed every painful second of it. I hope I'm not giving you mixed signals.

Words to the Characters:

Joran: Goodness, why can't you just do what you need to do without moping and complaining all over the place!!!! Arg!!! It's annoying how sorry you feel for yourself!

Ruyah: Yeah, didn't see that coming. I totally saw it coming. 

Okay, deep breaths, one more, and I can eat!!!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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