Thursday, July 10, 2014

I Was Going To Make Another Frozen Related Title, But Two in a Row?

Hey world! Welcome to day three of the what's turning out to be a really long marathon, because I keep finishing books! Ahh! I think we've finally caught up to this library visit, though, so that's good. I say the word "though" a lot. And "anyways." I wonder why. I'll have to think about my weird love of those words and consider using them less often. Wouldn't want a hackneyed blog, of course!

So, it was probably around a week ago that I finished reading the book Empower by Jessica Shirvington, the last in the five book Violet Eden Chapters series, also known as the Embrace series. I have reviewed every single one of these books here on my blog, so that's an accomplishment! I starts series all the time, but finishing them is a much more rare occurrence. I'm not wishy-washy - my library is. Anyways, oops, there I go using that word again! But seriously, Amazon link. I'm listening to beautiful piano music right now, so no sampling of the audible.

Summaryish: You know the rules, and this summaryish is no exception. Two years have passed since Violet left her home town to travel the world returning exiles as a Rogue, but when one of her best friends is kidnapped by someone from her past she always knew she would run into again, she has no choice but to return to the Academy to help rescue him. Which means all sorts of troubles from her past rise up to the surface.

Review: So I liked this book, I liked this whole series...but is it really bad of me to say that I'm happy it's over? It was really good - intense, action filled, semi-suspenseful, and full of all sorts of strains that make it complicated...But there were some parts that were just so...repetitive. I feel like Violet is repeating the same things over and over again, struggling with the same things and never really growing as a person. I've also noticed that half the fights mean absolutely nothing and are just thrown in there because no one has been stabbed in a while. And there are also some parts that are really hard to follow, and half the time I'm not sure why people are reacting the way they are. I'm getting the feeling that everything is supposed to be so connected...but I can't see that, and I wish it were clearer. Wow, that was a lot of complaints! Don't misunderstand me, I really do like these books...not exactly love...but still like, and you will too if you read it. They're a rush while you read them, but it's not like I ever obsessed and cried for the next one. You don't need to rush, just get them if you see them. The best book was the third one, by the way.

Words to the Characters:

Phoenix: I was voting for you, but hey, can't fight with soul mates. I also just misspelled your name twice. Sorry about that.

Yes, I only spoke to one character, shocking, I know, but I didn't have anything to say to anyone else. See you tomorrow. But tomorrow is Star Trek day, so don't be surprised if I forget.

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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