Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Hey world! Me again. But who else would be posting on my blog? Maybe my alter ego Xxxxxx .X Xxxxxx (my name backwards). It's been a while since my last post (again) but not too much of a while to be bad. It's not like I have any more books to review, yet (I'm reading a toughy, but it just got good). But I have to make this quick, because I have to do something that takes 30 minutes before four o'clock and it's 2:17 now, and blogging usually takes a while because I always seem to end up watching book trailers. 

So, today I'm reviewing a book called Starters by Lissa Price. It has a sequel, and four short stories! And the trailer is also pretty awesome. AND - yes, there's another and - the book is published in sooo many different languages! I didn't count, but it's a lot. Here's the Amazon link. It's not the absolute best audible, but it's still pretty good. I imagined her voice higher and wispier. 

Summaryish: After the Spore Wars, which killed everyone between the ages of 20 and 60, Callie's only hope to feed her younger brother is to rent out her body to Enders who wish to relieve their youthful years. But when her chip malfunctions and she wakes up in the life of her renter, she begins to discover that Prime Destinations - the company that rents her body - is even more shady than she at first assumed. And while her new life living in a mansion seems like a fairy tale, she must save her little brother, stop a murder, and...other things I can't tell you about.

Review: At first, I didn't like this book. But that was just the first 20 pages, which is only 5% of the book. The rest of the book was a thought-consuming wild ride that was absolutely awesome from start to finish. Well, page twenty to finish. I was actually surprised at how much I loved this book, and now I can't wait to get the next one! It was excellently written and plotted out, with just enough foreshadowing that I could guess at the end but never be quite certain. It's layers and layers of mystery and action, perfectly paced! This book is a winner, through and through. No wonder it's published in so many countries.

About the Cover:

I only picked this book up because the cover looked interesting. Well, the side that faced me in the aisle, anyway. The front of the cover is actually kind of creepy, and it made me second-guess my choice to pick it up. But I put it in my bag, forgot about it, and was creeped out again when I was checking out. I like the Portuguese and Italian covers much better. Usually, I judge books by their covers, and this is no exception. I was kind of creeped out while reading, but in the best way possible.

Okay, bye, see you next time!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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