Friday, July 25, 2014

"Requiem for a Dream" Only Has Choral Chanting.

Hey world! Last time I posted, I promised I would come back with tea. Well, it's been so hot out recently that tea was completely illogical. But I'm having tea and Nutella now, so here I am to blog! Snap, I just choked on the tea! And it's spicy, so it burned!!! But I'm better now, so I'm going to continue.

So, a while ago, because I'm a terrible blogger and waited like a week, I read this book called Requiem by Lauren Oliver. It is book there of the Delirium trilogy, so, naturally, it is the final one. There are, however, a few short stories somewhere in the world. The Amazon link is right around here. There's an audible, and it's actually quite excellent. Nice range of voices and inflections.

Summaryish: Rules are happening now - no reading this if you haven't read the first two books. After escaping into the Wilds with Julian, and finding someone she thought was long dead, Lena is faced with the most difficult decision she's had to make since deciding to leave the cities. Not to mention the fact that she has helped spark a rebellion that's ravishing the cities, hopefully for the good. Meanwhile, her best friend Hana lives a safe, love free life that turning sour. My tea is cold now.

Review: This book was pretty good! It had a very intriguing story line that can only be described as spine-vibrating, if that makes sense. Not tingling, mind you, vibrating. There's a huge difference. There were some places that could have used a bit more...something. Oomph, I guess. And all-in-all, it feels almost like things were just dragged out too long. I did, however, enjoy the fact that each book was just a little bit different from the last - quotes in one, now and then in two, and Hana/Lena in three - very well done. Most series books just keep similar formatting and the like, but this was a refreshing change. To my recollection, I never felt any desperate longing for whatever came next, but it was still a great book worthy of your reading.

Words to the Characters:

Lena: I don't think you made the right choice. I mean, sure, he was you-know-what, but he was you-know-how!!

Julian: Hmmm.

Okay, done here, I only have two books more to review, not quite worthy of a marathon, so see you when I see you!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviwer.

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