Tuesday, September 9, 2014

I'm Always Happy When Spock Is Mentioned.

Hey world! I didn't forget about you! And I have ice cream and tea again today because yesterday I discovered that tea after ice cream is the most amazing sensation in the world. It's so delightful! Sadly, this is the last of the vanilla ice cream. Not the last of my tea, though, I keep a good stock of that. Mmm. It's so good I can hardly talk about the book. But I'm going to anyway.

So, there was a time long ago when I read this book by Brian Yansky called Alien Invasion and Other Inconveniences. Later, as in last month, I was in the library and I saw a book called Homicidal Aliens and Other Disappointments and I was like, "Huh." So it turns out that book has a sequel. It has been confirmed, however, that it is only a duology. But Amazon links can be as long as you want. Man, this tea is good.

Summaryish: A continuation of the story of the polite telepathic aliens taking over the world in 10 seconds. I'm sorry for that bad summary, but the goodness of my tea is distracting.

Review: Okay: I really like this book because it's funny and had at least one Star Trek reference, plus a great story combined with lots of action and suspense. But I have to say, and I don't know why this is, but after I was a few dozen pages in, I was ready for it to be over so that I could start the next book on my pile. And I'm pretty sure it wasn't because I was really excited about the next book on my pile, which I was, I think there was just something inherently tiring about it. But it was still great.

About the Cover:

I will admit that I spent several minutes exploring the optical illusion that was the title, at first viewing it as disappearing into the background, and later viewing it as increasingly getting smaller from right to left/left to right. That's all I wanted to say.

Okay, see you tomorrow. Except we're out of ice cream so maybe not. But probably.

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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