Friday, September 5, 2014

Now I Don't Want To Be a Purebred.

Hey world! It's been a while hasn't it! I apologize for my negligence; I was moving. I'm actually in a different time zone now, so tea time blog posts will be at a little bit of a different time than normal. Oh, and if you're wondering - Bengal Spice is in fact much better with sugar. And pie. Don't forget the pie. Good news: Despite it being a really long time since I've posted, there's only, like, five books to review. Which, my friends, is cause for a marathon! So welcome to Day 1!

So, we're not going to talk about how long it's been, but we can talk about the fact that I have read Halflings by Heather Burch. And while her website isn't the best I've ever seen, this Amazon link is still awesome. There's no audible version, which is kind of depressing, because we've had a recent trend of audibles with different voices and sound effects that is now broken. Sad.

Summaryish; For some strange reason, Nikki has been targeted by evil forces intent on destroying her. Which is where the Halflings come in. Half angel, half human, Mace, Raven and Vine have been sent to protect her, but things get complicated when loooove enters the picture. And in the middle of all of this, Nikki is faced with choices that affect not only herself, but maybe the entire world and the future of all humans. That was actually a pretty good summary. Surprise, surprise.

Review: Okay, so I went into the book with low expectations. I don't know why, I just did. But I came out stunned at how wrong I was. This book was surprisingly amazing! A lot of books recently have been mostly romance, with some sort of actiony subplot thing going on in the background, and I don't like that. I like to get right into the story rather than having to peel away layers of love-triangles and emotional heroines. This book, on the other hand, has the story in the spotlight! I have to say - I much prefer being caught in the suspense of what happens next than rolling my eyes at another reiteration of how distraught the main character is over his/her love life. I'm really really looking forward to the next book!

About the Cover:

I really like the cover scheme, which matches the themes of the book in some strange way. But - the girl on the cover, while I'm pleased that she actually looks like the main character, seems far too dreamy for Nikki, who's much more kick-butt than the cover leads you to believe. Hey, maybe THAT'S why I had low expectations! I thought she was a doe-eyed day-dreaming damsel in distress!

Okay, Day one - done. That is my poem of the day. Bye!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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