Thursday, October 9, 2014

Danger Is HER Middle Name.

Hey world! Wow. It has been such a long time! I don't know what happened, but it's been over two weeks since I blogged last. Rest assured, I did not forget about you. You may or may not have noticed that it is not tea time. There's a reason for that. Instead of having a marathon (I'll be busy for the next few days) I'm going to be blogging four times today! What does that make this? A blitz? I think it's a blitz. Four books behind, four posts going to happen today starting now!

So, a pretty long while ago I finished this book called Dangerous by Shannon Hale. Looking at her website now, it's obvious that Mrs. Hale ventured out of her chosen genre for this one! It seems that she writes middle-grade novels about princesses and then some adult fiction. Kudos for bravery, Shannon. As far as I know, this is not a series, simply a lonely little standalone that nudges it's book-siblings and says, very tentatively, "Hey, can I sit here?" And its book-siblings are like,"If you must, Dangerous, but if the Grimm Brothers come over here, you're not with us." And then Dangerous sighs, but is also happy they're letting it sit down, and then somebody comes over and says, "Hey, we're selecting you for the Junior's Guild Selection." And then its book-siblings are like. "Yeah, that's our book sibling!" Amazon link, anyone?

Summaryish: Maisie Danger Brown is a one-armed, homeschooled, half-Paraguayan science geek who wants to become an astronaut. Consequently, she signs up to go to an astronaut camp where she uncovers a conspiracy that could very well lead to the annihilation of Earth. Now, she and four other teens are the only thing standing between destruction. Not the best scenario in the world, but the only one they can have any hope in at all. 

Review: Oh my snap. This book was a fabulous adventure that I didn't want to put down for one second. I seriously contemplated skipping a meal for this book. Being physically away from this book was possible, but it never left my mind. It's one of those books that if someone comes in the room to tell you something, you shoo them away. You yell and scream at them to not interrupt under any circumstances. But, a little warning, it's probably not for everybody. It's heavy on the science fiction. But another great thing is that there's NO swearing! Woo!

About The Title:

When I originally saw this book, I looked at it and almost scoffed. I mean, what kind of a title is Dangerous? It seems like it's trying way too hard to the point where it's almost cheesy. I still don't especially like the title even after reading the book and figuring out why it's called Dangerous in the first place. Danger in a science fiction book should be understood, like the understood subject in an imperative sentence. I'm thinking I'd like to see a title more a long the lines of "Tokens" or something.

Okay, see you later today.

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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