Monday, March 4, 2013

I Can So Do That Trick.

Hello again readers of the world! Nice to see you after soooo long. I've recently been not blogging, which is rude of me. But that's okay, I'm blogging now. Better late to the hockey game than missing the plane and having to take a boat instead, right? Anyways, shall we begin talking about books?

So around 15 minutes into yesterday, I finished reading this book by Ann Patchett called The Magician's Assistant. It took forever for my library to finally have it available!! I read State of Wonder also by Ann Patchett at the end of summer BB (Before Blog) and that's what made me want to read this book! Anyways,  if you want it, I will be presenting the Amazon link right about here

Summaryish: This book is complicated to explain. It has a plot, but not really a conflict, which made it a little less enjoyable for me. Unless you include the whole "Howard" thing as a conflict...Anyways, for you, I'll try my hardest. This book is about a girl named Sabine whose husband, Parsifal, dies. I know, sad beginning, but it get's better, because after he's dead she finds out he's not who she thought he was. In fact, he has a family she never knew about, and a name completely different from his own. So, Sabine goes on this whole journey type thing to find out who he really was, and maybe find out a little bit about herself as well. The end. Tada!

Review: This book was okay, not really my genre, but I like to mix it up every once in a while. It was nicely written, I liked the way it just slipped into a memory seemingly without transitions at all. It has a kind of quiet bang about it. It's one of those gentle books that flow on by like a lazy river and carry you off to a place where time doesn't exist. The proof of this is that I thought it was 10:20 when it was actually 11:47. 

Words to the Characters:

Sabine: You look like you could use a hug. Here, cyber squeeze!!

Dot: Your name keeps making me think of evil geniuses. 

Haas: Wow, you're patient.

That's all! I might post again tomorrow because I am currently enjoying a sadly incredibly short book. 

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Review. 

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