Saturday, September 28, 2013

Flume Is The New Swoosh.

Hey world! It's me again! You're probably mad at me because I keep forgetting to review this book, and it's been like three days. But I'm here now, and that's what is important. I've run out of things to say, but this paragraph is so skimpy. So I'm just going to ramble on and on until I feel I have reached minimum longitude for an introductory paragraph. La da dee la da doo la da dum. Okay, we're good.

So, like a really long time ago, I finished this book called The Merchant of Death by D.J. MacHale. This is the first book in a long series of books filed under Pendragon. Oh, and just so you know, something's up, so no Amazon link today. Boooo! I know, that's usually the highlight of this paragraph. Not the title of the book, not the author's name, and we don't get it today. It's a disastrophe of epic proportions, but we'll get through it together. Bad Google Chrome, how dare you deny us our Amazon links!!!!!!!!

Summaryish: This book is all about this average guy. But, of course, he doesn't stay average for long, or else there would be no story. What occurs to make the story is that the average guy, Bobby Pendragon, becomes not so average when he discovers he is a Traveler and he flumes between worlds to help those in need, with his Uncle Press as his mentor. In this, the first chronicle of his epic life, he must help these miner/slaves on the world Denduron escape from their captivity without blowing everybody up. 

Review: At first, I was all like "Erm...bleh." which means it smelled bad, and by that I mean the author had an issue with telling and not showing. But then, I got all used to it and was sucked into the story like rabid octopi into a black hole. I will admit, that didn't make much sense, but it's still meaningful.So, after being like a hydrophobic octopus whirling around in a vortex, I realized that this will be a great series to replace Maximum Ride, and maybe this one won't turn into a romance. It's a pretty long series, like ten books, and I think there might be a companion series, but they might just be books from the same publisher and author and cover designer shelved together...So I'm looking forward to continuing, and have no qualms about recommending this book to any and all science fiction fans willing to get over the tell not show hump and into the wonderful story below. 

Words to the Characters:

Bobby: Fluming sounds fun, maybe I'm a Traveler and can come with you!! 

Loor: Sorry.

Mark: You're a great friend, keep it up.

Okay, that's all. Get out of here! I'm kidding, you know I would neer kick you out, you can stay as long as you would like. Bye!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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