Friday, September 6, 2013

These Are Tears Of Joy.

Hey world! Did you miss me? I missed you! It's been so long!!! I'll explain the reason for that later, in my review paragraph. Since this is still my introductory paragraph, my I introduce the next paragraph in this post? That's right! The one, the only...introducing, paragraph number two!!!

So, I just finished this book called Zero-G by Alton Gansky. As far as I know, it isn't a series. It is, however, a book. But I think we covered that when I said, "I just finished this book..." Anyways, I feel like this paragraph is so short, and yet, I'm about to end with the Amazon link. Maybe if I just draw it out long enough...Hhhhhhheeeeeerrrrrrre iiiiiiiiissssssss theeeeeeeeeee Aaaamaaaaaaazzzoon lllliiiiiiinnnkkkk.  And, we're good.

Summaryish: This book is all about this guy, let's call him Tuck. Actually, let's not just call him Tuck, because his name actually is Tuck. Well, his name is Benjamin, but people call him Tuck...well he's an astronaut. And when he loses his entire crew to an unknown disease, he decides maybe it's time to retire. But, like a good astronaut, he couldn't stay out of the skies for long, and he goes to work for SpaceVentures, the first commercial spaceflight thing in the world. But, the unknown pathogen may have been planted on purpose...and the man who did it won't stop until he finishes the job he started.

Review: This book was definitely not a favorite of mine. I was bored to tears the first three quarters, and then crying for joy the last quarter because, you know, it was ending! I will admit, the ending did pick up and was slightly more tolerable than the beginning and middle. Don't get me wrong, I love a good astronaut book just as much as the next guy, so for all intents and purposes, that part alone should have made me like it. So it really is saying something that I didn't like it until the end. My attention wandered, and thoughts of Star Trek invaded my mind, so then I took a break to actually watch Star Trek, came back to the book, sat through some more boring stuff, but I persevered to the end. But I would not want to inflict that on you, so try not to read it unless you think it might actually be something you'd go for. 

Words to the Characters:

Tuck: Tuck-Luck. Ha ha, I made a funny!

Quain: Weird how we never figured out what happened to you...Or maybe we did and that was just one of my Star Trek thoughts moments.

Beverly Crusher: I know you're not in this book, but I have to tell you: That's kind of creepy what you did after your grandmother died. And what about Wesley? You were just going to leave him? That's bad parenting. 

Okie Dokie, post over. Join me next time for hopefully a more enjoyable book about space!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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