Sunday, December 7, 2014

Can Numbers Be Any Better?

Hey world! Happy Sunday! This is Day Five (I think) of the marathon. This is around the time that I lose track of how many days it's been. I'm sure you know, committed fan that you are, so I guess we're fine. Oh man, I just stretched and it kind of hurt. I don't know what to feel when that happens, because it hurts, but it also feels kind of nice. Thoughts?

So, we're getting really close to recently that I read this book called The Revenge of Seven by Pittacus Lore. It is book five in the Lorien Legacies series, also known as the I Am Number Four series, what I believe might be seven books in all when it is finished, but I'm just guessing. The first book in the series was the inspiration for a movie that I have not seen. In addition to that, there is a plethora of novella and novella collections available as well, all about the Loric. And there's an audible version, which is pretty okay. Here's the Amazon link

Summaryish: After the events in Fall of Five, Seven is angry and out for revenge. New legacies are being developed as well as new enemies rising, and new allies too. There's not much I can say that won't give things away, but I can say that the Loric children are readier than ever to fight back against the Mogadorians, and the Mogs are through with keeping their alien nature a secret from the humans. 

Review: I've been looking forward to this book for months, and I wasn't disappointed! This book is just as full of action and suspense as all the others, in addition to the story progressing marvelously with new twists and fun things like that. The one thing I was disappointed about was the lack of character development. It's fight scene and planning for fights and strategy sections more than anything, and only one or two of the characters is growing and changing, the rest are sticking to how they've always been, which makes the story a little predictable. But whatever happened to predictability, anyway? The milk man and the paperboy, etc. 

Words to the Characters:

Five: I think I understand now, and you are forgiven. 

Six and Sam: Awww...

Okay, see you tomorrow for what is probably Day Six!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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