Thursday, December 11, 2014

I Guess I'm One At Reading?

Hey world! Happy Wednesday, because it is of  course Wednesday. The middle of the weekdays. Wednesday. And also Day Eight of the blog marathon! Welcome. Read the rest of this introductory paragraph with a soothing voice, because I'm welcoming you to my blog like a late night dedications radio show host. And all of this is of course happening on a Wednesday. Shall we begin?

So, I recently read this book called Prodigy by Marie Lu. It is book two in the Legend Trilogy. You may remember that I read book one just a little while ago. All three books are out, and I think my hold on the third one arrived...I'm not sure. I'll have to check. Yes! It did arrive! And, oh snap, I have to pick it up by Saturday. Do I have time for that? I guess I'll never know. And then I'll have like, four weeks, with at least three books from this library trip on top of it, one being 600 pages...Oh, I'll figure it out. There is an audible version, but I won't be telling you about that right now because I'm not wearing my headphones and I don't feel like putting them on right now, mostly because my glasses are on top of my head, and I'd have to remove them, which means I'd lose them and...Amazon link.

Summaryish: After what happened in Legend, Day and June are (be careful here, people who have not read Legend) running away from the Republic. The only way to say safe is to join the Patriots, the rebel group against the strict rules and tyranny of the Republic. But the price of joining is steep, and by steep I mean murderous. I don't want to give away more than the jacket flap, and I can't remember what the jacket flap says, so that's all I'll say. But there is a new Elector.

Review: This book was even better than the first! The first book was a great opener, and in this one, the plot extends and picks up. The action, the suspense, the uncertainty, and everything else that makes a book good is masterfully displayed throughout the novel, and excellently timed and balanced. But more than just a thrilling page-turner that makes it hard to breathe, this book also has fun moral dilemmas. It's not just action-adventure, and it's not just a love story, and it's not just a story about freedom from an oppressive government. It's all of the above, and more. And I don't know about you, but it certainly makes me happy.

About the Font:  

So, the cover of the book is mostly blue, and the title is "Prodigy" which June is...and last book the cover was mostly yellow and the title was "Legend" which Day is...Day's chapters were yellow in book one, but Day's chapters were blue in book two? Shouldn't June's have been blue, since she's the prodigy? I guess it fits her personality that her chapters would be black...but does this mean in book three, Day's chapters will be red? Or are you going to trick me and June's chapters will be red? 

See you tomorrow, Thursday.

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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