Monday, December 8, 2014

I Can't Think of Title, But I'm Reviewing Heir of Fire.

Hey world! I checked! Today is Day Six in the blog marathon! Welcome. Tomorrow is Bring a Friend to the Blog Marathon Day, so be sure to collect your loved ones, or maybe hated ones depending on how you answer the survey over on the right side of this webpage. Do you see what I just did? I just promoted my own page twice in the same sentence. I'm desperate for more pageviews, considering this whole marathon has gotten a total of three views. I feel so unnecessary...But, I shall press on and continue to be loyal. 

So, recently, because we're up to just one library trip ago now, I read this book called Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas (Must not forget that all-important middle initial or you'll end up getting therapy for all ages). This is the last book in the Throne of Glass trilogy, in which I have reviewed every book. The audible is pretty good, but not the best I've ever sampled. Amazon link?

Summaryish: After what went down in Crown of Midnight, assassin Celaena Sardothian has sailed across the sea to a different continent. Sent to murder some royals, she instead started training with some Fae to master her magic and learn as much as she can about the Wyrdkeys. On the other continent, Dorian tries to keep his newly discovered magic a secret. 

Review: I'll be honest, I was bored for most of this book. It just seemed like the same thing repeated over and over and over again almost to the point of closing the book and slamming the almost 600 page hardcover on my skull. In addition, what parts weren't completely redundant didn't seem to be exactly relevant to the story. Things that should have been just skimmed over were explained in mind-numbing detail. And then there are the characters...not many of them are particularly like-able, which is important in any story. Ms. Maas, I believe, was trying too hard. And I was disappointed, considering the first book in this series was so great. Another warning: I doubt there's a single page in the whole novel without a swear word on it. Goodness.

About the Title:

Much better, Ms. Maas. Last book's title just didn't make sense, while this one was much better as the title was actually used at one time during the book, and it kept the flow of the other two. That, at least, was done well. 

See you tomorrow! Remember, it's Bring a Friend Day!

Xxxxxx  X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer

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