Sunday, December 16, 2012

And This Is Why I'm Terrified Of Phones.

Hey everyone!!! Wowzers, how long has it been? Two, three days? I need to step it up, read more. I mean, 288 pages shouldn't take me three whole days. Anyways, I was just reading some of my old posts, and it seems I always have something bad to say about most books. I always thought I was a pretty laid back reader, and here I am, always finding something bad to say. I'm going to make an effort to try to look only at the positives. Well, maybe I shouldn't because it would be dishonest to only talk about the good things in books. I'm just going to continue what I've been doing.

So, I just finished this book called iBoy by Kevin Brooks, I am under the impression that it is not a series, and you can get It's kind of short, but it took even me a little less than two days. Or was it three? I started it on the 14th after 9pm, and finished it today, the 16th, mere seconds before 1:31. Would that be two days, three days, or two and a half? I don't know. 

Summaryish: This book is about a 16 year old dude who lives in London somewhere, but on the "bad" side of town. Like with gangs and stuff. So basically; someone throws a phone at him and he gets little bits of it lodged in his brain, and it kind of fuses with his thoughts. He is given unbelievable power, like, in-brain Google, he can listen in on phone calls, call people from his head, and all sorts of stuff. Oh, and he also has this shimmery skin that glows with information and zaps people. Using his extraordinary new talents, he decides to cause a big brouhaha and break up all the gangs because they hurt his friend. Did that give a little too much away? Sorry if I just ruined it for you. 

Review: Okay, this story was really great, as was the whole identity crisis thing in the middle!!! I love a good identity crisis!! Woohoo! But, now for the bad side: The swearing. My internal censor was overworked and underpaid during this book. The f and s words were EVERYWHERE! I just couldn't escape them. I hate it when books have bad words in them. This one probably had more profanity than Of Mice and Men and Grapes of Wrath combined!! Oi veh!!! Other than that it was great!!  I am a huge fan of witty banter, and this book was definitely not lacking!! I was rocking back and forth near the end because I was so caught up in the story! 

Words for the Characters. 

Tommy: I wish I had an iPhone in my mind. A computer might be better, though, telephones scare me. But it would be cool to be able to have all the knowledge already in your head than having to learn it the old fashioned way. 

Lucy: I just want to give you a hug so badly!!! Cyber squeeze. Feel better? I do. 

That is it for today everybody!!! See you next time!! Unless I don't. Which would be sad.

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.  

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