Sunday, December 9, 2012

A Momentous Occasion In All Of Blog History.

Hey party people!! I hope your day is going fantastic!! I also hope that this blog post makes your fantastic day 10 times better making it an awesometatiousfulicious day!!! This is a momentous occasion, dearest reader. Do you know why? Of course you don't! I haven't told you yet!!! This is terribly amazing because this is the second time I've talked about this series!! Yay!!!! I reviewed the book that came before this one not too long ago!!

So, I just finished this book called The Doomsday Code by Alex Scarrow book 3 of 7(?) in the TimeRiders series...sounding familiar??? I reviewed the second book, Day of the Predator, right here on this blog! Oh! And I thought it would be nice if I included an Amazon link from here on out so that if you want to buy the book, you can. Also if you would like a better review and summary you can get one!!! Here you go: Click here for the Amazon link! And, you can click HERE for my earlier review, because I don't want to summarize the whole series for the second time. 

Summaryish: Okay, this is a pretty secretive series. I mean, it's about a SECRET agency. Dare I risk summarizing? I do. I do dare. This time around, the TimeRiders have a pretty easy wave to stop...At the beginning. Just a new movie based off a manuscript some teenage hacker dude decoded a few slivers of. No big whoop  right? Until...the big until...Maddy decides to check it out, and accidentally leaves a clue as to where and when to find the team. And this dude does. Find them that is.  So let's get this straight: An outsider (as in doesn't know about the agency) finds out about the agency. He shows up at their door and demands to have all their money. I'm kidding, actually he's all like "Who are you?" in his charming English accent. And the rest is history. Literally, the rest actually is history. A wrong one. Meaning Liam and the support units travel back to 1194 to make sure King Richard doesn't find the Holy Grail. Wow. That was hard to summarize, and I probably did an awful job. Oh well. I'll do better next time, I promise. 

Review: Hmm...What is my opinion on this book? Hate. dislike, like, love, or adore??? Yeah, I'm going to have to go neutral on this one. It had everything a good book needs: action and time travel. But...I don't know. Maybe there was a little too much action? The same thing happened in the last book. It wasn't perfectly balanced between action and suspense and breathing room. Also, there were a lot of plans, and  a lot of them went right. That's not good; plans should almost always go wrong!! That's what makes books awesome!!!  Anyways. I liked the book, but maybe -- I never thought I'd say this -- slow it down a little? Or at least stop killing everybody, that's not even nice. 

Words for the Characters: 

Bob: So good to have you back big feller! Sorry about your arm by the way.

Becks: I never thought I'd see you behave so lady-like. Way to adapt girl friend!!!

Maddy: Way to go on not cursing as much! I'm so proud of you!

Sal: Honey, where are you in this story? You keep disappearing. Maybe in the next one it'll have more of you (my favourite character) in it!!

Liam: Thanks for shaving, you didn't look good in the beard. By the way you're 16 right? Or are you 17? I can't remember. 

Adam: I love English accents, and what is Dungeons and Dragons about? I've always wanted to play, but I don't know how. 

There you have it! This momentous occasion is drawing to a close. Bye everybody! Don't forget to comment, I feel like people I've never even met are reading this!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer. 

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