Monday, December 3, 2012

Don Don Doooon...A Bad Review? Gasp!

Hey everyone! I promised a second posting today, and that promise is coming to fruition right now! You're excited, who wouldn't be? I'm super excited because I just love blogging, especially since I know awesome people like you are reading it!  So welcome, let's get started!

Okay, it was....Saturday I think that I finished Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. It is not a series, simply a stand alone non-fiction novel. I know. Non-fiction? Crazy that I, Xxxxxx, would be reading non-fiction. But I did. And I regret it.

Summaryish: Okay, so basically this book is just about this dude who builds schools for Pakistani children and helps out in Afghanistan during the war and becomes an American hero after failing to summit K2 blah blah blah. (Hint: I didn't like this book, so you might want to go to a different website if you want unbiased reviews and summaries) That's pretty much it. Except that he get's kidnapped and lost a few times.

Review: Oi veh...this was torture. No, worse than torture....this was a not very entertaining book. Shiver. The horror!!! The horror!!! Anyways, I probably didn't like this because it was non-fiction. I'm just not a non-fiction kind of person. I felt like I was reading a cross between a history lesson, a geography lesson, and a newspaper article. None of those are things of which I am particularly fond.  Oh well. This book would probably be better if there was a glossary. I have no idea what a Shadra kamiz is. Just saying. I don't even think I spelled that right. By the way, this was probably a good book, I just didn't like it.

I'm not going to speak to the characters today, because I never got to know them. Sadly, this book was too factual.

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer

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