Monday, December 3, 2012

802,701 Reasons To Read This Book

I am so sorry readers. I've been slacking off. I finished this book on September 29 and here I am, not reviewing it until the 3 of the next month. I feel so bad. Sniffle. I hope you can forgive me. To make it up to you, I'll be posting twice today. Once for this book, and another for a different book. I'm actually really excited about the next post because it won't be like any of my other ones. 

So, I finished reading The Time Machine by H.G. Wells a few days ago (sorry again!). It is not part of a series, but it was published a way long time ago in like, the 19th century. And we're in the 21st so that's pretty far back. Anyways, this paragraph is coming to a close because there is nothing else I can say about the physicality of this book, I can only speak of its innards now. 

Summaryish: Okay, I think I can tell you a lot about this book, because the back of the cover says some pretty revealing stuff. It all starts at a dinner party, where this guy (His name is censored, we just call him The Time Traveler) gives a demonstration to a bunch of people about time travel. Then, a week later, another dinner party takes place. Except that this time the Time Traveler is not present, he staggers in a while into it, and demands meat.  This is because he claims to have traveled into the future to the year 802,701, where the diet is strictly vegetarian. He spends eight days there, but not because he wants to spend so many nights in the future! No! Because the Morlocks, nocturnal underground human things, have stolen his Time Machine!!! So he is forced to stay in the future where he lives with the peaceful Eloi, who are calm and carefree future versions of humans. Once he finally get's his machine back, he travels even farther into the future! This far ahead, there are no human, just giant crab-like creatures in a sandy world. 

Review: This was fantastic!! My mouth was literally not closed throughout the entire book, I was too busy gasping and gaping!! When The Time Traveler descended into the world of the Morlocks...I had chills!! When the matches ran out, I almost screamed in despair! However, if you prefer books written in today's English, I suggest you find a different version. The language was easily understandable and all, it was just kind of oldish. I like books like that, so it's all good here. Anyways, I give it a A-, the minus because it was so short, and I wanted it to go on forever! P.S. Why is it that in the past, people capatalized stuff like "Nature, Time, Length, Height, and Thickness"? Weird. 

Words for the characters. 

Time Traveler: What is your name??? It's been driving me crazy! 

Weena: You're so cute! I love you so much! One thing: why is it that I always imagine you as like, a four year old? You're obviously fully grown. 

Okay,  this post is over, moving on to the next one which I promised you earlier. 

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer. 

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