Thursday, April 18, 2013

That Happens To Me Allllll The Time.

Hello world! Nice to see you! Isn't it so fitting that I'm reviewing this book on a Thursday? "What book is that, 13-Xes?" you may be asking. Well, I'll tell you in the next paragraph. Just be patient, I promise I will tell you in just one paragraph. We're getting closer, just hang in there. Almost...Almost...Just a little longer....done.

So, I just finished this book called Lost in a Good Book by Jasper Fforde, of the Thursday Next series. See? I told you I would tell you. And now the fact that I'm reviewing this on a Thursday being fitting makes sense to you doesn't it? Moving on. I reviewed the first book in the series here, and will probably be reviewing the next book in the series soon! Anyways, if you want to purchase it, try clicking here. And upon failing to get to the Amazon page, click here instead.

Summaryish: Okay, this book's summaryish is going to be a doozy. Let me think for a second. How about you play solitaire or free cell while you wait? (Insert Jeopardy music) Okay, I got it! After recently defeated her arch enemy Archeron Hades and imprisoning her other arch enemy in Poe's "The Raven," Thursday Next is the target of several coincidental revenge attempts. Also, in an effort to release Jack Schitt from the poem, Goliath Corporation blackmails Ms. Next. In addition, her time-traveling father alerts her to a global catastrophe in the near future. So, she must save the world, learn to bookjump, shake some rice and lentils, and defeat several bad guys all before this book ends. I don't know about you, but I'd be tired after all that. In fact, my fingers are sore just from typing it. 

Review: I absolutely ADORE this book! It has action, comedy, more action, dodos, and everything else a good book needs! It sounds kind of like a Douglas Adams when you read it, but just a little bit less wacky-nutty. I wouldn't change one thing about it! It's a fantastic read for those nights when it's really cold, because the constant laughter will keep you warm with or without fleece blankets! 

Words to the Characters:

Thursday: I'm still noticing a weird lack of first names. What do you have against first names? I use them all the time, Thursday. Sorry about Landen by the way. And about how Cordelia was bugging you. 

Thursday's Daddy: How nice of you! Thanks by the way.

Okay. This is officially the end of this blog post. Or if you want to get all portmanteau about it, this is the end of this blost

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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