Thursday, March 20, 2014

Don't Do This, You'll Go Into Debt.

Hey world! I am so so so bad. I'm up to four books, now, and I've already returned three of them. Maybe I'll have a blog blitz today and just review review review. It's probably the best idea since I'm between books. But it will also be okay if I don't, because I've got a 900+ pager coming up, and if I'm not caught up by then, I can just review a bunch then. But I'll probably be behind by then, so I'll just review as much as I can today.

So, the third book in my Sci-fi Series is called Swipe by Evan Angler, it is book one in the Swipe Series, which has four books now (I think) but maybe more are being written, I don't really know. I see nothing about "thrilling conclusion" on Mr. Angler's website. But I don't think stories ever really end. The chronicler just stops telling them. Anyways, would you like an Amazon link?

Summaryish: In a future world (of course, it's the Sci-fi Series), in order to be a member of society, to buy things, get a job and stuff, you have to get the Mark. But when Logan Langly's sister doesn't return from her Marking, Logan becomes suspicious, and very very paranoid. And now, five years later, it's time for him to get his Mark. But there's a secret group of people known as the Dust shadowing his every move, with good or bad intentions, he doesn't know. With the help of his new friend, he works to discover the Dust's secret and the secret of the Mark, too. 

Review: I was mostly excited about reading this book, and for the most part I wasn't disappointed. It's really well-written, with secrets, mysteries, and danger around every corner - or page, I guess. But, the beginning was really slow, and I was bored through a lot of the book. But, it's just the beginning of the series, and all that backstory had to be taken care of. At the ending, when all paths had been properly foreshadowed, and mysteries set down in a net fit to trap you, it picked up, and things got quicker, more intense, and all around better. In a series as long as this one is, it's normal for the first books to be a little slower, and if you want to read a good story, you've got to sit through and appreciate the ground work. And now that I have, I'm looking forward to the next books in the series. I can tell this series is going to be a winner.

Words to the Characters:

Logan: Don't worry, I'm paranoid too, and I don't even have a valid reason.

Whatserfacesorryitsbeenawhile: I like how at first you were selfish, but in the end a true friend.

Okay, first of four DONE!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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