Saturday, March 15, 2014


Hey world!!! I HAVE AN EXCUSE THIS TIME! It's a very bad one. But it is indeed an excuse. I did the worst thing a behind blogger can possibly do....I started a puzzle. I finished it. It was a thousand pieces, and it was special because there was no picture on the box telling me what it looked like. Let's see...I think it took me about three days, since I finished it yesterday. The bad news is, I now have four books to review. I'll review at least one of them today, but I'm not sure about the other three considering I'm in the middle of writing a short story. I'm pretty proud of it so far, so I can't stop now. 

So, I'm ashamed of how long ago I finished this book called Breathe by...Oh wait, I can't remember the author now...Sarah Crossan! It's book one in the Breathe series. I'm not sure how long the series is, though, because so far only book one and two are out. There is for certain an Amazon link, though. The question is, where? Hmmm...Better get looking! Actually, keep reading.

Summaryish: In a future world where the oxygen in the atmosphere has been depleted from 21% to about 4-6%, everyone is living in domes. Or, are they? What if I told you there was a resistance learning how to breathe the deprived air, and maybe growing plants, too. And what if I told you that a rich kid and two not-so-rich kids go on a camping trip, one without plans to come back. The two other people have their own purposes for being out in the real un-domed world, but they're paths are about to become more intertwined than they ever planned on. 

Review: This book is okay. The beginning is a little mleh, and I didn't really make friends with all the moody teenage characters, but that was only the beginning. Later in the book, things start to speed up...and they certainly don't slow down. The whole dome thing is a little clichéd, but I love dome books, and this one has a fresh spin on the usual. Looking at the whole, I'd give it around a B-, but looking at just the bang-pow-woopdee-doo ending, it gets a solid A. Not an A minus or plus, just an A.I wouldn't suggest an impatient person reading this (unless you're a really fast reader, and this book is only a one-dayer anyway.), but if you can get past the not so much slow as boring beginning, then the ending will be worth it.

Words to the Characters: 

Quinn: I thought you were a girl at first! Sorry!

Bea: You're not what I thought you were at first. In fact, I think you're my favorite because of the way you treat people like people.

Alina: I think someone needs to be a little happier!! (It's you, by the way.) Seriously, you depress me.

Okay, I might come back tomorrow, but I've probably already lost all of your trust by now. Anyways, whenever I do come back, it will be with a better review.

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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