Thursday, March 6, 2014

I Thought This Had To Do With Insanity.

Hey world! So I finished another book and was feeling a bit guilty, so I'm here again to review another book! Maybe, just maybe, I'll review two! Or maybe not, because that way I can review more books tomorrow when I will most likely have nothing to do...Actually, I have nothing to do today, so who knows what will happen! I might as well get started, before I forget what I'm reviewing.

So, around a week ago, I finished this book called Delirium by Lauren Oliver. It is book one in the Delirium Trilogy, and all three books are already out. There's also three short stories, published digitally and as a print compilation. It's a pretty good Audible, too, with a nice expressive narrator. And how do I know this? Well, there's a sample on Amazon. What's that? You want a link? Okay, I'd be happy to give you one. Whoa, I just sounded just like a little kid's TV show. 

Summaryish: In this future world, because, you know, of course it's the future, what else would I be reading? In this future, people have decided that love is a disease. And, just ninety days before the procedure that would cure her of this terrible plague, Lena meets a boy. And of course, she falls in love. Wow. That's a really short paragraph. I wish I could make it longer somehow, but what would the point of rambling on and on about nothing be?

Review: At first I didn't like it. It was just blah blah blah. No societies crumbled, there were no epic duels, just life and illegal parties. But, after half the book and a whole nother book, things picked up, and I noticed some cracks in the structure of the fragile future world, and I was happy. In fact, you could say that by the end I was quite enthralled. And now that all that beginning monologue-backstory stuff is out of the way, the rest of the series will be quite pleasurable, and I'm sure you'd like to read it if you can bear the limping beginning.

Words to the Characters:

Alex: Very chivalrous...You have my approval.

Lena: (You could do so much better.) (I'm kidding, I just thought it would be funny if I said that.)

Hana: Have you noticed that a lot of people have four letter names? Crazy. 

Okay, another book bites the dust! Oh, goodness, that was a gruesome image...Libraries and bookstore and bookmarks and comfy chairs...Okay, it's gone. Have a lovely day and join me next time for an OH MY GOSH moment.

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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