Friday, August 9, 2013

Don't Worry, It's Taxidermy.

Hey world! I didn't forget about you! I'm back to review the second book of the day! And the way things are going, it might not be the last! Well, I might finish the book I'm reading now today, but I probably won't review it today. Maybe tomorrow. Who knows? I certainly don't. The future is just a figment of humanity's collective imagination anyway, so it won't really matter until it becomes the present. Which might be tomorrow.

So, it was probably yesterday when I finished The Death Collector by Justin Richards. I didn't know what this was about when I picked it up, I just grabbed it because I knew the author from a previous adventure. But now that I've Googled him, I know that this book is actually part of a series! The Department of Unclassified Artifacts series. I'm lucky a snatched the first one! Anyways, Amazon link!

Summaryish: So this book is all about what happens when a mad scientist gets it into his head to recreate life. Or in this case, reanimate dinosaurs and take over the world. It's also about a guy, a gal, a Sir, and a pickpocket, and how, to save their lives from murderous henchmen, they must follow clues to figure out what the madman is doing and stop him!

Review: Wowzers! Mr. Richards definitely knows how to keep the suspense going from page one, all the way to the back cover. I'll be honest, it was hard to put down. And when I finally did, all I wanted was to curl back up with it! But, in the interest of making this a completely honest review, I must admit that there were times when my mind wandered a bit, but they were brief moments of fiction-overdose. And mostly because I was hungry and there was ice cream in the freezer. After satisfying my sweet tooth, however, I was completely engrossed in the book again. I am also a fan of how there is not one thing in the book that isn't important to the story. No mind-numbing bouts of boring non-happenings between explosions, just the perfect amount of action, suspense, and skippi-dee-doo-dahs. (That's what I call those lost moments between a paragraph or chapter break and One Week Later...s) 

Words to the Characters:

Eddie: For a second there, I didn't know it was Victorian London and I was like, pickpockets? What? Huh. I guess there probably are still pickpockets though...

George: I wish I could do that.

Liz: Is it okay if I call you Lizzy-wa? Because I've been doing that...

Okay, review over, see you later! Even though 'later' of course, is just a figure of speech.

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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