Thursday, May 29, 2014

I'm A Rebel. I Feel Like I've Titled Something That Before...

Hey world! Wow, it's been a while! I don't even remember what book I'm reviewing today. Oh, no, wait, it's coming back to me...Yeah, I got it. We're good, no worries. Hakuna matata everyone. Funny story, I was just listening to that song in French. Did you know I speak French? Here, I'll say that last sentence in French: Sais-tu que je parle francais? Excuse the lack of accent marks, I'm on a strange computer in a strange location. I haven't been kidnapped, though, don't worry. Just on a trip. Update: I still haven't thought of anything to replace the Words to the Characters; if you have, now would be a good time to comment that.

So, a little bit of a while ago (a really while ago) I finished this book called Resist by...Gosh, I can never remember her name...Sarah Crossan? Yeah, that's it. It is book two in the Breathe duology, so it's also the finale. This review is making me want to read, but I'll try to finish first. Helping me do that is this lovely Amazon link.There is no audible...wait a that the second time in a row? I can't remember, but if it is, that would be weird. But not that weird.

Summaryish: After the events of Breathe, out favorite trio of friends split up, some willingly, some unwillingly, to fight the evil Breathe corporation in the only ways they can. Alina goes with her fellow resistance members to Sequoia, where the other denizens could be the most dangerous things of all. Quinn goes off on his own to find help for someone, while Bea stays with said someone. But in this book, there's an extra character, who also helps resisting. This is an awful summary. But give me some slack, it's been a while.

Review: I was really excited about this book because I knew it was going to be better than the last one, and I was not disappointed! There were some short little slices where not much was happening, but every other part, if it wasn't full of action, was heavy with the perfect balance of suspense and foreshadowing. The characters aren't as moody now, so they are actually more fun to be around. I have no complaints, but I must say that this book didn't really have depth to it. It was fabulous and satisfying, but if you're looking for a book to keep in your heart forever, it isn't this one. I highly enjoyed this book, but I won't remember it a year from now. But when I read through my reading log later, I'll definitely have everything suddenly spring to the surface and I'll have fond memories and nostalgia with which to be happy.

Words to the Characters:

Alina: High five!!! 

Quinn: I understand why you left...but why did you leave? Well, absence makes the had grow fonder, they day.

Bea: I like your loyalty and honesty, it's pleasing and refreshing.

Okay, I'm leaving now. Have a nice day.

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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