Thursday, May 1, 2014

This Has Nothing To Do With Vikings.

Hey world! Ha! I came back! You can't hold that over me now! I would have been back sooner, but I ran out of books, so I had to go to the library where I spent 35 minutes, and then I had to eat lunch, and then I had to organize the nine books I checked out, which I just finished doing and now I'm here! Hurray! And lookie there, not a single apology to be found in this whole paragraph.

So, a while ago I finished this book called BZRK by Michael Grant, and this book is actually the reason my last marathon wasn't so successful. Funny story about this book: I accidentally checked out the second book in the trilogy before ever even reading this one. I had to return that and two other books without reading them the same library visit (I was in a rush that week). You know what makes it even funnier? I just checked out book two again today! So, I'm reviewing the book the sequel for which I have now checked out twice. Ha. Anyways, I'm sure you want some Amazon action. Nice audible, by the way, nicely articulated. Kind of gravely, though. Ooo! The reader used an affected but fun accent!

Summaryish: It's finally happened. Nanobots are so advanced they are semi-safe for installing in humans. But they're still secret. So secret, there is only a handful of people who know about them. Well, two handfuls really. And these handfuls hate each other. Unknowingly, the human body has become a battle ground between the Armstrong Fancy Gifts Corporation, who are trying to take over the whole world with their nanobots to make it taking away free will and creative thought, and the less official team of BZRK, who appose them.

Review: (After a brief music break.) Wowzers! From the very first chapter, I was so deeply into the story that its grip won't release me even now, almost a week (or is it two?) later. Luckily, it's a trilogy! It was riveting and chilling and absolutely fabulous! It's easy to read in just one sitting, but you don't dare do that, because then it would be over. It's one of those books where in the final-fifty-stretch you slow down just to squeeze a little more time out of it. Brava, brava, let's all clap in unison to get our needed encore.

Words to the Characters:

Keats + Plath:  Why did I see that coming from the very beginning? Oh yeah, because it's predictable! 

Bug Man: Admit need a little help. 

Okay, see you tomorrow for a surprise! 

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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