Friday, July 19, 2013

All I Have Is Orange Juice!!!! The Tragedy!

Hey world! That's right! Fifth day in a row blogging! The roll continues. But I'm pretty sure this will be the last day of the aforementioned roll. Oh well, life just happens that way. Wow. I'm listening to some Rachmaninoff today, and it's really super great! But this is not a music review blog, it is a book review blog, so let's prove that!

So, I just finished this book called Lemonade Mouth Puckers Up by Mark Peter Hughes. It's the sequel to Lemonade Mouth, which was made into a Disney movie! Maybe they'll make Puckers Up into a movie too! I read the first book BB, so no link to a previous review today. But, fear not, you can still have the Amazon link. Hm. This paragraph makes me want to listen to Lemonade Mouth songs, but then I'd have to pause this beautiful Rachmaninoff song, and I don't really want to do that. Maybe later. 

Summaryish: Hey, I just realized my stickers smell like pineapple! Cool! But on to more serious matters, like summaryishes. This book is all about the mysterious and elusive question, what happened next? For Lemonade Mouth, the answer is a record deal. But what happens when Lemonade Mouth kicks up another revolution? Will this one take them too far and cost them their fame? That's right, I used suspense inducing questions. Bam!

Review: I like how this book can make me laugh, make me think, AND cause me to flip pages like a maniac because of the mind-blowing suspense. There was so much great foreshadowing that I just loved! There was drama, laughter, heart-ache, water fights. Everything! And even though it wasn't science fiction, it was still a great read that I'll probably remember for a long time to come, which is a good thing. So, all-in-all, it's a great book! But, you know, a few explosions wouldn't hurt anything.

Words to the Characters:

Stella: I think I liked the green hair better.

Olivia: Why don't you just close your eyes? That's what I would do, except I don't have stage fright.

Okie dokie, I think that's all I'm going to say today. I think it's safe to say my roll is over, but check back tomorrow...just in case. Okay, you caught me, I just want the page views!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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