Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My Hideout Was Dismantled Due To Injury To Prevent A Law Suit.

Hey world! Another day, another book! Hey wait a minute...I have blogged three days in a row! Wow! And there's the possibility that I could blog again tomorrow! Books these days, always so short. But after the book that's up next, I'll be getting into the two-dayers. So it looks like four days in a row will be my record. If I blog tomorrow. Ooh, now it's suspenseful. 

So, earlier this morning, and by that I mean 12:34 AM, I finished this book called Hideout by Gordon Korman. I've talked a lot about Gordon Korman, but I don't think I've ever actually reviewed any of his books. Well, that's all about to change! But before that change, please enjoy this Amazon link! Also before that change, let me announce that this is book five of the ever-increasing Swindle series! Woo!

Summaryish: I just realized I'm one of those people who wouldn't hurt a fly. Literally. I just opened the door and coaxed a fly to leave. But those two sentences and one fragment were just a diversion, so that I could take the time to plan how to summaryishize this. But I did actually let a fly out. Anyways: So in this book, Swindle returns. Don don doooon. He returns to reclaim Luthor the Doberman from Savannah the animal lover, so Griffin, The Man With the Plan, decides that the only way to keep Luthor out of Swindle grubby little mitts is to hide him at the three sleep-away camps he and the rest of his team are staying at for the summer. But Swindle doesn't give up that easily. Ooh, ominous. 

Review: I really like this series! But, I have to say it, this one wasn't as, what's the word? Crime-y as the other ones. Neither was the one before this. I mean, what happened to police-ankle-bracelet-tracker-wearing Griffin. I miss that guy, because I like reading about people breaking and entering. It keeps me from going out and doing it myself. Not that this book wasn't good, I mean, it had breaking and entering too! Just not as much. It was more like running from the bad guys. I also liked the humor that was scattered throughout the entire thing! Yay! So, my official opinion is that I liked it!

Words to the Characters:

Griffin: As I believe I have said before, I miss the police-ankle-bracelet-tracker-wearing Man With the Plan of novels past. 

Ferret Face: You're not very loyal, are you?

Okie dokie, that's my review!! I hope you really-super-de-duper enjoyed it! See you tomorrow(maybe)! Bye!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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