Saturday, July 20, 2013


Hey world! So, as it turns out, I am blogging today! Making it the sixth day in a row! But I am extra super positive that I probably won't be blogging tomorrow. But you can come back anyway, I won't mind. In fact, I would like that very much! This paragraph has gone on long enough, time to talk about the book!

So, I just finished this book called The Cat Who Dropped a Bombshell by Lilian Jackson Braun, the crazy cat lady! I actually don't know if she has cats or not, but writing a whole series, The Cat Who series, qualifies as crazy cat lady to me! But there's nothing wrong with crazy cat ladies, my fantastic aunt happens to be one. But the good thing about this series is that you don't have to read it in any particular order. It is what I like to call a standalone series. For this one, you can click here for the Amazon link.

Summaryish: This is going to be one tough summaryish. Not because a lot was going on, but because so little was going on, I could hardly recognize it as a plot. Just something about a famous cat, Koko, developing a habit of jumping from balconies onto potential murderer's heads. And then there are murders. That's it. Short paragraph.

Review: One word: Boring. Okay, I have a few more words than that. It just felt like an endless parade of phone calls and dinner conversations talking about current events. It was hard to get involved in the story when I felt like the actual conflict was just a random remark to pass the time between the entree and dessert. I can see Roland Smith rocking a book like this, but written as it was, it just wasn't for me. But, since I like to look on the bright side, if you ever need a nice little wind-down story at the end of a particularly stressful day, you can read this book and not have to worry about a thing!

Words to the Characters:

Koko: The death howl is kind of scary. Nightmares!!! Kidding!

Yum Yum: Why aren't you mysterious like Koko? It's the chair isn't it?

Okay, that's it for today, and most likely tomorrow as well. In fact, I might not see you for a while considering the next novel on my list is over 500 pages! Bye!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer. 

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