Monday, July 15, 2013

Eyre You Out There? The Last Time That Was In My Title It Was For A Completely Different Reason.

Hey world! I'm finally back!! It's been a while, but like I said last time, today's book was written in 1847. And if you've ever read a book written in 1847 then you'll know it often takes longer to read than a regular old twenty-first century book because in that time period the quality of your work was judged on your word choice, i. e. if you used large or obscure words. English history lesson over, time to review!

So, maybe you've guessed this already, but I just finished reading Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, under the alias of Currer Bell because women weren't allowed to write books back then, which wasn't cool at all. So take a moment to reflect on the awesomeness that is your favorite female author and what your life would be like in the 19th century, when she was not allowed to publish a book that you simply adored. Here, enjoy the sweet madness that is the Amazon link

Summaryish: Okay, I thought this up last night: When Jane Eyre goes to work as a governess in Thornfield Hall, and falls in love with her employer, serious complications arise when dark secrets are revealed just moments before they are to be married! But just now, I decided to add that she had a pitiful childhood, and you will hear about that as well. Hm. I hope I didn't just give away too much, if I did, unread that. 

Review: Wowzers! You know, at first, I was worried this book would be all...1847ish, but it was surprisingly amazing! I mean, it's not just a romance, which I would never read because I don't like romances, it also had some pretty suspenseful moments of heart pounding action. However, I think I would have liked it a lot better if I hadn't read Jasper Fforde's The Eyre Affair first, because that gave away a lot of things that would have been better if they were surprises. But, even though I knew what would happen in the end, and what the spooky noises were, I still really liked this book! And I think you would like it too!

Words to the Characters:

Jane: It's just one disastrophe after another with you, isn't it? Don't let it get you down!

Mr. Rochester: You are one tough person of whom to form an opinion. Some of the time you're crusty and rude, and some of the time your actually nice. Have you ever thought of naming your different personalities? I have, it makes it so much easier to keep track of who's talking.

Okay, I'm done now. I don't know what's coming up next, because I need to go to the library, but when I know, you'll know 1-3 days later. Bye!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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