Monday, June 10, 2013

-9,804 Is My Favorite Number, And It's A Multiple Of Three!

Hello world! I've been slacking off again. I don't even remember when I finished reading the book I'm reviewing today! Oh well, that's life for you. Speaking of life, live backwards is evil, what's up with that? Living isn't evil, evil people living is evil. But then not letting evil people live would be murder, and you wouldn't be any better than the living evil people. So the best thing to do is just not be evil. Okay, today's life lesson over. Now it's time to talk about books!

So, I don't remember when I finished Numbers by Rachel Ward, but I do know that it is the first of a trilogy! I also know that WarGames is a really good movie, but that has nothing to do with this. I was just watching it, that's all. Now I'm watching The Day After Tomorrow, so far it's good too. I digress. Remember when I said that the book is called Numbers? Should I have written Num8ers? Because that's what the American edition says it is. Pick whichever one you would like. Here is the Amazon link, go forth and buy. 

Summaryish: Snap, this really is a good movie. Twisters destroying the Hollywood! But back to the book. It's about this girl, and she can see some pretty crazy numbers. I'm talking about the day you are going to die. And she sees these numbers every time she looks someone in the eye. Naturally, she avoids relationships. But everything changes when she meets a guy named Spider and his grandma. One day, she goes to a place where all the numbers match...and that number is the day she is there...what does it mean? Do you like that suspense inducing rhetorical question? I kind of like those. 

Review: WOW! This book was amazing! I was expecting a cute little story about OCD or something, but what I got was way better! I loved it! I loved it so much I'm going to say that again, I loved it! My one complaint is all the bad words. I don't like bad words, that's why all comments on this blog go through me before they hit the Internet, I'm looking out for bad words. Bad words are bad for a reason, they're bad. Which is why I don't like them. So that's the down side to this book. The up side is that it's great! I am especially fond of running from authorities. In stories. I would never do it in real life. Geez, listen to Jack government people. 

Words to the Characters: 

Jem: Your name is nice, it's sparkly like a gem. 

Spider: I think I like Terry better than Spider. Oo, cool, mammoth. 

Okay, that's all I have to say about this book. When is the Statue of Liberty going to float down the street? Bye! 

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer. 

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