Thursday, June 27, 2013

And So The Lovely Wackiness Ends.

Hey world! So, it's not Tuesday, in fact it's Thursday, but I decided to wait and just review two books today. Which is what I'm doing. I'm also sharing a bag of chips with my bird and planning the rest of my day. Do not try that at home, kids. I am a highly skilled multitasking professional. You can however try it in the park, which is not home, and therefore not included in the disclaimer. But do so at your own risk, I highly doubt there's a lifeguard at the park!

So, a few days ago I sadly finished the fifth and last book in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy "trilogy," Mostly Harmless by Douglas Adams. There is a sixth book, but it was written by Eoin Colfer and we're boycotting him so we can't read that one until I decide the boycott has gone on long enough. Mwahahaha! The power is driving me crazy! I decide when to read Eoin Colfer or not!!! Mwahahahaha! Okay, got that out of my system. The forth book was reviewed here and the ones before that can be found in a little trail leading all the way back to the first one. And, last but not least, the Amazon link is existing right here

Summaryish: Okay, I'm trying to think of a nice way to summarize this, but, as you know, it's hard to summarize a Douglas Adams. Hmm. Click hum, click hum. Um. Got it!! Aw man, lost it. Oh! Got it again! This time around, just as soon as Arthur, after losing his beloved Fenchurch in a hyperspace incident, is just beginning to enjoy life again, it spirals out of control. First, by finding out he has an emotionally distraught daughter, a new dangerous version of the Guide has come out, and the Earth is most likely going to be destroyed again. Of course, he never really does figure out exactly what's happening, but knows that something to flip his life over again definitely has occurred. And that's my summaryish. More ish than summary this time.

Review: I'm really sad that this series is ending because I loved it so much! This part especially! Everything that happens is so fast paced and hard to follow and just a touch unintelligible that it was perfect! And written in the elegant, distant scientific babble that it was made it all the more enjoyable! The only word that can describe it is beautiful! I wish it could go on forever! But, like the Artemis Fowl series, I guess this one is must end too. But that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it. 

Words to the Characters:

Arthur: You know, I've spoken to you, like, four other times, and I can't think of anything else to say. Except that your little outburst seemed so unlike you, what happened?

Random: So how did that name come about? I'd like to hear that story.

Okay, that's it for this post. I better get started on the next one!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer. 

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