Friday, June 14, 2013

Split Series, And A Double Sided Review. Interesting.

Hello world! How's the weather where you are? Here it is perfect! 72 degrees! That's my favorite temperature! With sunshine and a nice breeze, it is just to die for! But don't actually die for it, then you wouldn't be able to enjoy it! Speaking of enjoyment, I enjoy books, so let's talk about them!

So, somewhere around 11:30 last night I finished this book graced with the title Wired by Robin Wasserman, last book in the Skinned trilogy. You could call it Torn, of the Cold Awakening trilogy, and you would still be entirely correct, because this is split series. That's what I like to call them anyways. Basically, it just means: same book, different title. Good news! I've reviewed this ENTIRE trilogy on my blog! That is becoming more and more common these days, because I've been blogging since, like, October or something. Here's the penultimate book in the series! And from there, you'll find the first. Last things last, Amazon link!

Summaryish: I've been working really hard on my summaries lately, and I think this one's a winner! Not just because it doesn't give anything away but still summarizes, but because I worded it perfectly! It's worthy of a jacket flap! Here it is: One year ago, Lia died. Then she woke up in a new mechanical body. But with rising conflict between organic humans and Skinners, or mechanical humans, it is up to Lia to save the mechs with as little org death as possible. But doing that might just mean sacrificing herself. See! It's just fabulous! 

Review: I hate to admit it, but I'm actually happy this series is over. The trilogy is great, really nice reads, but there was something about them that made me less excited about them than, say, a Scott Westerfeld or a Kat Falls. While reading this, the series denouement, I found myself thumbing through the pages on the right with a sigh, thinking "Sheesh, I have to get through all of these before it's over?" when usually I'm thumbing through the pages on the right with a sigh, thinking "Aw man, I only have to get through all of these before it's over?" See what I mean? I read the book, and I enjoyed it, but it was in the last half of my pile for a reason. Speaking of which, I may need to begin strategizing my next library visit...

Words to the Characters:

Lia: You seem moody. I guess you have reason to be, but nobody likes a moody heroine. 

Jude: Question: How did you get all the way to Chindia and back? I thought ships and stuff were heavily guarded and you were wanted.

Yeah, that's about it. Join me next time, and be ready to Shake up some Speare! Bye!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer. 

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