Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Yeah, I'm Having Title Writer's Block Again.

Hey world! Lovely to see you today. Didn't I post yesterday? I'm having memory lapses. I think I did. But I don't like to dwell in the past, so I'm just going to say 'Hurrah for today!' Anyway, I'm going to cut this paragraph short before the afterglow of having a finished book so fresh in my mind fades into National Treasure, and all the excitement that goes along with that movie. 

So, about 12 minutes ago, I closed a book called Zenith by Julie Bertagna, and rushed to see what time it was so I could log that and then blog. After doing that, and writing what I have so far, I decided to tell all my readers that this is the second book in a trilogy, the first book of which was reviewed here. Then, I finished the odd past-tense paragraph with the Amazon link to the book I was reviewing.

Summaryish: So this book is all about Mara after she and her Treenester, urchin, slave, and boat camp friends escape to Greenland. Plot-twist: Tuck, a "gypsea" who lives on a floating bundle of ships and barges, is Landed with them. It's also about Fox and his continuing struggle to survive in the netherworld with Candleriggs while trying to bring down the New World. Yup, that's about it.

Review: I really enjoyed this! It took a while to get going, but once it did I was hooked! There was one thing I didn't like though: transitions. Sometimes, things would just appear out of nowhere. Like on pages 173-174, Mara is suddenly out of the Weave and participating in the conversation like she was never connected in the first place! It made me flip back between pages, thinking I had missed something, but nay! Julie herself missed something! Anyways, all-in-all it was a fantastic read that I could devour over and over again like I had never tasted it before. Unlike chocolate cake, which gets old after a while. Is it weird that I often connect liking a book to eating food?

Words to the Characters:

Mara: Mazel tov! 

Fox: Sheesh, it took you that long to figure it out? 

Rowan: Is it just me, or do you like like Mara? 

Okie dokie, I'm leaving now. You can stick around if you want, but you'll be host-less. Bye!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer. 

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