Friday, June 7, 2013

I Liked The Cover More Than The Book, Is That Bad?

Hello world!! So nice to see you! Can you believe it's been 48 hours already? It seems like just yesterday I was predicting my future as a secret agent. Ah memories. Anyways, today is a special day! I'm not exactly sure why, but if you think about it, everyday is special! Okay, that's all for this paragraph.

So, yesterday I finally finished a book called Matched by Ally Condie, and I'm pretty sure my fantastic aunt recommended this to me! But I can't remember. Maybe it was someone else. It's the first in a series. Well, more like a trilogy. The second book is called Crossed, but the R is backwards, and the third book is called Reached, but the E's don't match. If you would like to buy this book, try clicking here. But since that was a joke, click here instead!

Summaryish: This book is all about a gal who is "Matched" to her best friend, which means she's going to marry him. But, when she sees someone else's face flash on her screen (the one that tells her everything about her Match) her faith in her Society crumbles. Then, she is forced to choose between love and perfection. Phew, that was hard. Let's move on to the next paragraph now.

Review: I was kind of excited about this book, but in the end I was disappointed. It was just a love story with the occasional suspenseful moment about placement in society. And as much as I love a whole society crumbling, it was only crumbling for one person, and it was all in her mind!! No explosions whatsoever! That made me sad. But it is a trilogy, so it might get better. It did kind of pick up at the end. 

Words to the Characters:

Cassia: Why do I always capitalize the C in characters? I only asked you that because I couldn't think of anything else to say. 

Ky: I wish I could draw as well as you. 

Xander: Hey, win some, lose some. Don't be sad.  

Okay, I'm out of words about this book. Hope to see you next time! Bye!

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer.

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